Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance

_Carteret_inshore County

Tursiops erebennusTamanend's Bottlenose Dolphin2017-08-26Hugo CobosSeveral dolphins in the area foraging at about 0930 - White Oak River, about 1/4 mile from Cedar Island Boat Ramp05_Sight
Tursiops erebennusTamanend's Bottlenose Dolphin2012-03-30L Stover1FOMA - Stranding - Dead newborn on ocean beach. 04_Stranding
Tursiops erebennusTamanend's Bottlenose Dolphin2005-04-29Randy Newman2FOMAphoto02_Photo
Tursiops erebennusTamanend's Bottlenose Dolphin0000-00-00Jim WardSeen many times - SOUND, Ocean,Creek05_Sight
Tursiops erebennusTamanend's Bottlenose Dolphin0000-00-00not reportedStrandings reported in Schmidly (1981) - Many locations along the Carteret County coast04_Stranding