Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance
Cinereus Shrew - Sorex cinereus
Soricidae Members:
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Distribution In NC, it is restricted to the mountains, though it has a wide elevational range there, down at least to about 2,000 feet.

A very wide range from coast to coast, from AK east to Labrador, south to the middle of the lower 48 states, but south in the East only through the Appalachians.
Abundance Common to abundant in the mountains, though perhaps few records for the northern mountain counties (but still expected to be very numerous there).
Seasonal Occurrence Active year-round.
Habitat A very wide range of forested habitats, from coniferous forests to hardwood forests, preferably with a good ground cover. It is most numerous in moist forests, especially with much moss, rocks, decaying logs, and leaf litter. It also occurs in certain open habitats such as weedy fields, bogs, and meadows, though it has a preference for shaded habitats.
Behavior Active day and night, though likely more so at night.
Comments This species is more often called the Masked Shrew by field guides and other references, but the latest checklists use Cinereus Shrew as the common name. It is smaller in size than the essentially equally numerous Smoky Shrew, which is also restricted in NC to the mountain region.
Origin Native
NC List Official
State Rank S4
State Status
Global Rank G5
Federal Status
subspecies Sorex cinereus cinereus
other_comName Masked Shrew
NC Map
Map depicts all counties with a report (transient or resident) for the species.
Click on county for list of all database records for species in that county.