Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance
Harp Seal - Pagophilus groenlandicus
Phocidae Members:
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Photo by: Barbara Ann Jump-Bell
Distribution In NC, strictly in coastal waters, presumed to occur mainly from Cape Hatteras northward.

Occurs in the far northern Atlantic Ocean, and in the Arctic Ocean, normally ranging as far south as the Canadian Maritimes, but regularly straggling southward in winter to the mid-Atlantic states, including NC.
Abundance Common to very common in its range; numerous enough to sustain heavy losses to people clubbing young for their white coats for the fur industry. In NC, in recent years a rare straggler in the cooler months, mainly to the northern half of the coastline. The NOAA website indicates 7 Harp Seal strandings along the NC coast, from 1996 (one) to 2006. Since 2006, there have been a report of four strandings in the winter of 2010-2011, plus another seen on 9 March 2009. The USNM database (2021) shows one specimen record for the state -- Currituck County in 1999. However, the iNaturalist website has about 8 photos of Research Grade, all from Currituck and Dare counties -- since 2018. Thus, there have been at least 18 records for the coast since 1996; we know of no state reports prior to 1996.
Seasonal Occurrence Presumed to occur almost strictly in winter into early spring, as this and all other seals in the north Atlantic are at or near the southern end of their ranges in NC waters.
Habitat Cold waters.
Behavior The species is highly migratory, in large groups, but essentially within the far north Atlantic, in search of food; individuals in NC waters tend to be singles (presumably).
Comments This is the best known of the Atlantic seals, owing to the publicity of the controversial hunts of the pups for their all-white fur. However, in the mid-Atlantic states, the species is not nearly as familiar as is the Harbor Seal, the only regularly occurring one in this region. A photograph of a live and hopefully healthy adult was taken at a beach in Dare County in early 2017.
Origin Native
NC List Official
State Rank S1M
State Status
Global Rank G5
Federal Status
NC Map
Map depicts all counties with a report (transient or resident) for the species.
Click on county for list of all database records for species in that county.