Moths of North Carolina
920 records submitted to MONC by Floyd Williams
FKW354 records
F. Williams, S. Williams197 records
FKW, SBW139 records
F. Williams40 records
E. Corey, T. DeSantis, FKW, SBW36 records
SBW, FKW31 records
E. Corey, T. DeSantis, F. Williams, S. Williams21 records
T. DeSantis, FKW15 records
Maurice Cullen, Todd Pusser, F. Williams, S. Williams14 records
S. Williams, F. Williams10 records
E. Corey and FKW8 records
T. DeSantis, FKW, SBW7 records
T. DeSantis, F. Williams, S. Williams5 records
FKW, Sam Wells4 records
E. Corey, T. DeSantis, F. Williams and S. Williams3 records
S. Williams, FKW2 records
FKW,Sam Wells1 records