Moths of North Carolina
26,399 records submitted to MONC by Steve Hall
SPH15,661 records
SPH & DFS2,187 records
Stephen Hall1,981 records
SPH, SH, CH1,868 records
Steve Hall1,418 records
S.P. Hall855 records
Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan446 records
SPH, JBS266 records
Jim Petranka, Bo Sullivan and Steve Hall184 records
SPH, DFS, JBS144 records
David George, Steve Hall, Patrick Coin, Mark Basinger122 records
Jim Petranka, Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan121 records
SPH & J Cromartie120 records
David George, Steve Hall, Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik, Rich Teper, Becky Watkins95 records
Stephen Hall and Ed Corey90 records
Stephen Hall, David George, and David Bradley82 records
Jim Petranka, Bo Sullivan, and Steve Hall79 records
Steve Hall, David George, Jeff Niznik74 records
Stephen Hall and Bo Sullivan68 records
Jim Petranka, Becky Elkin, Steve Hall, and Bo Sullivan.59 records
Jim Petranka, Becky Elkin, Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan46 records
J. Slotten, J. Cromartie, SPH44 records
Stephen Hall, Ed Corey, Jim Petranka, Becky Elkin, Tom Howard, Carol Tingley, Brian Bockhahn, and Van Cotter43 records
David George, Stephen Hall34 records
Steve Hall, Ed Corey, Tony DeSantis, and Will Cook31 records
Jim Petranka, John Petranka, Becky Elkin, and Steve Hall14 records
SPH, JCr13 records
Stephen Hall, Bo Sullivan, and Jim Petranka12 records
Steve Hall and David George10 records
Stephen Hall, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf9 records
Stephen Hall, Ed Corey, and Brian Bockhahn8 records
Stephen Hall, Bo Sullivan, Jim Petranka, and Becky Elkin7 records
Jim Petranka, Becky Elkin, Steve Hall, Todd Pusser, Bo Sullivan and Carol Tingley6 records
Stephen Hall, David George5 records
Steve Hall, Carol Tingley, Van Cotter, and Meriel Goodwin4 records
David George, Steve Hall, Gary Perlmutter, Blanka Aguero, Meriel Goodwin, Lisa Gatens3 records
David George, Steve Hall, Carol Tingley2 records
Stephen Hall, Meriel Goodwin, David George, Gary Perlmutter, Blanka Aguerro, Lisa Gatens1 records