Moths of North Carolina
Compiled by David George.
MONC Scientific Name:
Host Table's Moth Common Name:
Plant Genus:
Tip: type first letter to quickly jump to those genera.
List of References:
17 records1,132 confirmed hosts for 548 species
Moth AccountScientific NameCommon NameHost PlantHost Plant State RankConfirmed as HostReferencei
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartBrassica oleraceaxRings, 1971; Pogue, 2006; Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartPrunus avium - Sweet CherrySEPogue, 2006
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartPrunus persica - PeachSECovell, 1984
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartSolanum lycopersicum - Garden TomatoSERings, 1971; Pogue, 2006
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartSolanum tuberosum - Potato *SERings, 1971; Pogue, 2006
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartQuercus montana - Chestnut OakS5Butler & Strazanac, 2000
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartQuercus rubra - Northern Red OakS5Butler & Strazanac, 2000
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartQuercus velutina - Black OakS5Ferguson, 1975
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartCarya sp.-Crumb, 1932; Forbes, 1954; Pogue, 2006; Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartFragaria sp.-Rings, 1971; Pogue, 2006
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartFraxinus sp.-Covell, 1984
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartJuglans sp.-Crumb, 1932; Pogue, 2006; Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartMalus sp.-Crumb, 1932; Covell, 1984; Pogue, 2006; Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartPicea sp.-Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartPrunus sp.-Forbes, 1954; Rings, 1971; Covell, 1984; Pogue, 2006
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartQuercus sp.-Crumb, 1932; Forbes, 1954; Rings, 1971; Covell, 1984; Pogue, 2006; Beadle & Leckie, 2012
11029.00Abagrotis alternataGreater Red DartVaccinium sp.-Beadle & Leckie, 2018