Moths of North Carolina
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Aristotelia Members:
1 NC Records

Aristotelia callirrhoda Meyrick, 1923 - No Common Name

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Family: GelechiidaeP3 Number: 420646.00 MONA Number: 1733.00
Comments: The genus Aristotelia contains over 150 species of small moths that are found worldwide, with around 34 species in North America.
Species Status: Aristotelia callirrhoda was described by Meyrick in 1923 from two specimens that were collected from Southern Pines. We are unaware of any specimens that have been collected since then.
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: MPG, BugGuide, GBIF, BOLDTechnical Description, Adults: Meyrick (1923)                                                                                 
Adult Markings: The following description is based on that of Meyrick (1923, p. 9) from two specimens that were collected near Southern Pines and are in the British Natural History Museum. The head is whitish, and tinged with grayish-ocherous on the crown. The labial palp is white, and the second joint has a fine black subapical and subbasal annulus. The terminal joint is much longer, with black basal and submedian annuli and lateral streaks on the upper half. The thorax is brownish, and the patagia black except for the margins. The forewing is deep brown with the base suffused with whitish. An oblique white fascia that is rose-tinged extends towards the dorsum and is edged anteriorly by a few black scales. An angulated rosy-white median fascia is sprinkled gray. There are two black dots (discal and plical) on its anterior edge. There are white opposite spots more or less suffused rose-pink on the costa and at the tornus that are separated by a short black dash in disc. Between this and apex there are three white marks on the costa that are separated with black. The cilia are gray-whitish with two gray shades, and the base is white on the termen, and mixed or marked black below middle. The hindwings is gray and the cilia light gray. The description of this species is very similar to that for A. lespedezae and it is possible that these two species are conspecific. Aristotelia callirrhoda is currently recognized as a separate species, and additional work is needed to determine its status.
Wingspan: 9-10 mm (Meyrick, 1923)
Immatures and Development: The larval ecology is undocumented.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: The only known records are from Southern Pines in Moore County.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

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Flight Comments: Unknown.
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: The habitat is undocumented.
Larval Host Plants: The hosts are unknown. - View
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: GNR SH
State Protection: Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.
Comments: This species is only known from one locality in North Carolina and has not been observed since it was described in 1923.