Moths of North Carolina
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Scientific Name:
Common Name:
Family (Alpha):
ADELIDAE-Fairy moths
BATRACHEDRIDAE-Batrachedrid Moths
BEDELLIIDAE-Bedelliid Moths
CHOREUTIDAE-Metalmark Moths
COLEOPHORIDAE-Casebearer Moths and Relatives
COSMOPTERIGIDAE-Cosmopterigid Moths
COSSIDAE-Carpenter Moths, Goat Moths
CRAMBIDAE-Grass Moths, Snout Moths
DREPANIDAE-Hook-tips and Thyatirid Moths
ELACHISTIDAE-Grassminer Moths and Relatives
EREBIDAE-Erebid Moths
GELECHIIDAE-Gelechiid Moths; Twirler Moths
GEOMETRIDAE-Geometer Moths, Loopers
GRACILLARIIDAE-Leafblotch miner moths
HELIOZELIDAE-Shield bearer moths
HEPIALIDAE-Ghost or Swift Moths
LASIOCAMPIDAE-Tent Caterpillar Moths, Lappet Moths
LECITHOCERIDAE-Long-horned Moths
LIMACODIDAE-Slug Caterpillar Moths
LYONETIIDAE-Lyonetiid Moths
MOMPHIDAE-Mompha Moths
NEPTICULIDAE-Minute leaf miners
OECOPHORIDAE-Oecophorid Moths
PLUTELLIDAE-Diamondback Moths
PSYCHIDAE-Bagworm Moths
PYRALIDAE-Pyralid Moths, Snout Moths
SATURNIIDAE-Giant Silkworm Moths
SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE-Schreckensteiniid Moths
SESIIDAE-Clearwing Moths
THYRIDIDAE-Window-winged Moths
TINEIDAE-Clothes moths
TISCHERIIDAE-Tischerid Moths
TORTRICIDAE-Leafroller Moths
URODIDAE-Urodid Moths
YPSOLOPHIDAE-Ypsolophid Moths
Tortricidae Members:
Acleris albicomana
Acleris albinivia
Acleris bowmanana
Acleris celiana
Acleris cervinana
Acleris chalybeana
Acleris comandrana
Acleris curvalana
Acleris flavivittana
Acleris forbesana
Acleris hudsoniana
Acleris inana
Acleris maccana
Acleris macdunnoughi
Acleris maculidorsana
Acleris negundana
Acleris nigrolinea
Acleris nivisellana
Acleris placidana
Acleris ptychogrammos
Acleris pulverosana
Acleris robinsoniana
Acleris semipurpurana
Acleris subnivana
Acleris unidentified species
Acleris variana
Acleris viburnana
Acleris youngana
Adoxophyes furcatana
Adoxophyes negundana
Adoxophyes unidentified species
Aethes angulatana
Aethes angustana
Aethes argentilimitana
Aethes atomosana
Aethes baloghi
Aethes biscana
Aethes floccosana
Aethes heleniana
Aethes interruptofasciata
Aethes mymara
Aethes new species 1
Aethes new species 2
Aethes new species 3
Aethes new species 4
Aethes obliquana
Aethes patricia
Aethes promptana
Aethes razowskii
Aethes ringsi
Aethes rutilana
Aethes seriatana
Aethes sexdentata
Aethes terriae
Aethes triassumenta
Aethes unidentified species
Amorbia humerosana
Amphiphala liatriana
Ancylis albacostana
Ancylis brauni
Ancylis burgessiana
Ancylis comptana of authors
Ancylis definitivana
Ancylis diminuatana
Ancylis discigerana
Ancylis divisana
Ancylis fuscociliana
Ancylis goodelliana
Ancylis laciniana
Ancylis metamelana
Ancylis muricana
Ancylis nubeculana
Ancylis platanana
Ancylis semiovana
Ancylis spiraeifoliana
Ancylis subaequana
Ancylis unidentified species
Anopina ednana
Apotomis deceptana
Apotomis removana
Archips argyrospila
Archips dissitana
Archips fervidana
Archips georgiana
Archips grisea
Archips infumatana
Archips magnoliana
Archips nigriplagana
Archips purpurana
Archips rileyana
Archips semiferanus
Archips unidentified species
Argyrotaenia alisellana
Argyrotaenia floridana
Argyrotaenia hodgesi
Argyrotaenia ivana
Argyrotaenia juglandana
Argyrotaenia kimballi
Argyrotaenia mariana
Argyrotaenia occultana
Argyrotaenia pinatubana
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana
Argyrotaenia tabulana
Argyrotaenia unidentified species
Argyrotaenia velutinana
Aterpia approximana
Atroposia oenotherana
Bactra furfurana
Bactra maiorina
Bactra unidentified species
Bactra verutana
Cagiva cephalanthana
Catastega aceriella
Catastega timidella
Catastega unidentified species
Celypha cespitana of authors
Celypha unidentified species
Cenopis cana
Cenopis chambersana
Cenopis croatanensis
Cenopis diluticostana
Cenopis directana
Cenopis eulongicosta
Cenopis ferreana
Cenopis lamberti
Cenopis niveana
Cenopis pettitana
Cenopis reticulatana
Cenopis saracana
Cenopis unicolorana
Cenopis unidentified species
Chimoptesis gerulae
Chimoptesis n-sp
Chimoptesis pennsylvaniana
Chimoptesis unidentified species
Choristoneura argentifasciata
Choristoneura conflictana
Choristoneura fractivittana
Choristoneura fumiferana
Choristoneura houstonana
Choristoneura obsoletana
Choristoneura parallela
Choristoneura pinus
Choristoneura rosaceana
Choristoneura unidentified species
Clepsis clemensiana
Clepsis listerana
Clepsis melaleucanus
Clepsis peritana
Clepsis persicana
Clepsis unidentified species
Clepsis virescana
Cochylichroa hoffmanana
Cochylichroa hospes
Cochylichroa temerana
Cochylichroa unidentified species
Cochylichroa viscana
Cochylini unidentified species
Cochylis bucera
Cochylis caulocatax
Cochylis unidentified species
Coelostathma discopunctana
Coelostathma placidana
Corticivora chica
Corticivora clarki
Corticivora parva
Corticivora unidentified species
Crocidosema plebejana
Crocidosema unica
Cryptaspasma bipenicilla
Cydia albimaculana
Cydia candana
Cydia caryana
Cydia erotella
Cydia ingens
Cydia lacustrina
Cydia laricana
Cydia latiferreana
Cydia marita
Cydia pomonella
Cydia rana
Cydia toreuta
Cydia unidentified species
Decodes basiplagana
Dichrorampha bittana
Dichrorampha broui
Dichrorampha incanana
Dichrorampha leopardana
Dichrorampha simulana
Ecdytolopha insiticiana
Ecdytolopha mana
Endothenia hebesana
Endothenia infuscata
Endothenia montanana
Endothenia new species
Endothenia nubilana
Epiblema abruptana
Epiblema adusta
Epiblema alba
Epiblema boxcana
Epiblema brightonana
Epiblema carolinana
Epiblema desertana
Epiblema discretivana
Epiblema dorsisuffusana
Epiblema exacerbatricana
Epiblema gibsoni
Epiblema glaseri
Epiblema glenni
Epiblema grossbecki
Epiblema infelix
Epiblema insidiosana
Epiblema mandana
Epiblema minutana
Epiblema obfuscana
Epiblema obfuscana-desertana
Epiblema otiosana
Epiblema praesumptiosa
Epiblema scudderiana
Epiblema separationis
Epiblema strenuana
Epiblema strenuana_abruptana complex
Epiblema tripartitana
Epiblema unidentified species
Epinotia celtisana
Epinotia lindana
Epinotia medioviridana
Epinotia rectiplicana
Epinotia sotipena
Epinotia transmissana
Epinotia unidentified species
Epinotia vertumnana
Epinotia xandana
Episimus argutana
Episimus tyrius
Episimus unidentified species
Eucopina cocana
Eucopina monitorana
Eucopina tocullionana
Eucosma alabamae
Eucosma ambodaidaleia
Eucosma aquilana
Eucosma argutipunctana
Eucosma autumnana
Eucosma awemeana
Eucosma baggetti
Eucosma essexana
Eucosma floridana
Eucosma formosana
Eucosma giganteana
Eucosma gomonana
Eucosma grindeliana
Eucosma kiscana
Eucosma linitipunctana
Eucosma ochroterminana
Eucosma ornatula
Eucosma paragemellana
Eucosma paregoria
Eucosma parmatana
Eucosma radiatana
Eucosma raracana
Eucosma rusticana
Eucosma sombreana
Eucosma tomonana
Eucosma umbrastriana
Eucosma unidentified species
Eucosma verniochreana
Eucosmomorpha nearctica
Eugnosta bimaculana
Eugnosta erigeronana
Eugnosta sartana
Eulia ministrana
Eumarozia malachitana
Grapholita delineana
Grapholita eclipsana
Grapholita fana
Grapholita interstinctana
Grapholita molesta
Grapholita packardi
Grapholita prunivora
Grapholita tristrigana
Grapholita unidentified species
Gretchena amatana
Gretchena bolliana
Gretchena concitatricana
Gretchena concubitana
Gretchena delicatana
Gretchena deludana
Gretchena nymphana
Gretchena unidentified species
Gretchena watchungana
Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum
Gypsonoma fasciolana
Gypsonoma salicicolana
Gypsonoma unidentified species
Hedya chionosema
Hedya separatana
Hendecaneura shawiana
Henricus edwardsiana
Hulda impudens
Larisa subsolana
Lorita baccharivora
Lorita scarificata
Notocelia lobana
Notocelia rosaecolana
Olethreutes appalachiana
Olethreutes appendiceum
Olethreutes astrologana
Olethreutes auricapitana
Olethreutes bipartitana
Olethreutes brunneopurpurata
Olethreutes clavana
Olethreutes concinnana
Olethreutes connectum
Olethreutes coruscana
Olethreutes corylana
Olethreutes exoletum
Olethreutes fagigemmeana
Olethreutes fasciatana
Olethreutes ferriferana
Olethreutes ferrolineana
Olethreutes footiana
Olethreutes furfuranum
Olethreutes griseoalbana
Olethreutes hamameliana
Olethreutes hippocastanum
Olethreutes inornatana
Olethreutes lacunanum
Olethreutes malana
Olethreutes merrickana
Olethreutes monetiferanum
Olethreutes new species CP-1
Olethreutes new species near appendiceum (CP-2)
Olethreutes new species near brunneopurpurata
Olethreutes new species near permundana
Olethreutes nigranum
Olethreutes nitidana
Olethreutes ochrosuffusanum
Olethreutes olivaceana
Olethreutes osmundana
Olethreutes permundana
Olethreutes permundana complex
Olethreutes sericoranum
Olethreutes tilianum
Olethreutes troglodanum
Olethreutes unidentified species
Olethreutes valdanum
Olethreutes viburnanum
Olethreutinae unidentified species
Orthotaenia undulana
Pammene felicitana
Pandemis lamprosana
Pandemis limitata
Pandemis unidentified species
Paralobesia crispans
Paralobesia cyclopiana
Paralobesia cypripediana
Paralobesia dividuana
Paralobesia liriodendrana
Paralobesia magnoliana
Paralobesia monotropana
Paralobesia new species 1
Paralobesia palliolana
Paralobesia parsaura
Paralobesia piperae
Paralobesia rhoifructana
Paralobesia unidentified species
Paralobesia viteana
Paralobesia yaracana
Pelochrista adamantana
Pelochrista argentialbana
Pelochrista cataclystiana
Pelochrista derelicta
Pelochrista dorsisignatana
Pelochrista fiskeana
Pelochrista fratruelis
Pelochrista fraudabilis
Pelochrista galenapunctana
Pelochrista graciliana
Pelochrista guttulana
Pelochrista kimballi
Pelochrista milleri
Pelochrista oraria
Pelochrista pallidipalpana
Pelochrista quinquemaculana
Pelochrista robinsonana
Pelochrista similiana
Pelochrista sullivani
Pelochrista unidentified species
Pelochrista vagana
Pelochrista wandana
Pelochrista zomonana
Phaecasiophora confixana
Phaecasiophora inspersa
Phaecasiophora niveiguttana
Phaecasiophora unidentified species
Phalonidia lepidana
Phalonidia unidentified species
Phiaris glaciana
Phtheochroa baracana
Phtheochroa birdana
Phtheochroa terminana
Phtheochroa unidentified species
Platphalonidia lavana
Platphalonidia magdalenae
Platphalonidia unidentified species
Platynota exasperatana
Platynota flavedana
Platynota idaeusalis
Platynota rostrana
Platynota semiustana
Platynota stultana
Platynota unidentified species
Pristerognatha agilana
Proteoteras aesculana
Proteoteras crescentana
Proteoteras moffatiana
Proteoteras naracana
Proteoteras obnigrana
Proteoteras unidentified species
Proteoteras willingana
Pseudexentera costomaculana
Pseudexentera cressoniana
Pseudexentera faracana
Pseudexentera haracana
Pseudexentera hodsoni
Pseudexentera kalmiana
Pseudexentera mali
Pseudexentera maracana
Pseudexentera sepia
Pseudexentera spoliana
Pseudexentera unidentified species
Pseudexentera vaccinii
Pseudexentera virginiana
Pseudogalleria inimicella
Retinia comstockiana
Retinia gemistrigulana
Retinia houseri
Retinia unidentified species
Retinia virginiana
Rhopobota dietziana
Rhopobota finitimana
Rhopobota naevana
Rhopobota unidentified species
Rhyacionia adana
Rhyacionia aktita
Rhyacionia busckana
Rhyacionia frustrana
Rhyacionia granti
Rhyacionia rigidana
Rhyacionia unidentified species
Rudenia leguminana
Satronia tantilla
Sereda tautana
Sonia canadana
Sonia paraplesiana
Sonia unidentified species
Sparganothis bistriata
Sparganothis caryae
Sparganothis distincta
Sparganothis mcguinnessi
Sparganothis niteolinea
Sparganothis sulfureana
Sparganothis tristriata
Sparganothis unidentified species
Sparganothis xanthoides
Sparganothoides lentiginosana
Spilonota ocellana
Spinipogon resthavenensis
Strepsicrates smithiana
Suleima helianthana
Suleima unidentified species
Syllonoma longipalpana
Syndemis afflictana
Talponia plummeriana
Taniva albolineana
Thaumatographa jonesi
Thyraylia bunteana
Thyraylia hollandana
Thyraylia hollandana species complex
Thyraylia nana
Thyraylia unidentified species
Thyraylia voxcana
Thyraylia wiscana
Xenotemna pallorana
Zeiraphera claypoleana
Zomaria interruptolineana
Zomaria rosaochreana
Olethreutes appalachiana
Olethreutes appendiceum
Olethreutes astrologana
Olethreutes auricapitana
Olethreutes bipartitana
Olethreutes brunneopurpurata
Olethreutes clavana
Olethreutes concinnana
Olethreutes connectum
Olethreutes coruscana
Olethreutes corylana
Olethreutes exoletum
Olethreutes fagigemmeana
Olethreutes fasciatana
Olethreutes ferriferana
Olethreutes ferrolineana
Olethreutes footiana
Olethreutes furfuranum
Olethreutes griseoalbana
Olethreutes hamameliana
Olethreutes hippocastanum
Olethreutes inornatana
Olethreutes lacunanum
Olethreutes malana
Olethreutes merrickana
Olethreutes monetiferanum
Olethreutes new species CP-1
Olethreutes new species near appendiceum (CP-2)
Olethreutes new species near brunneopurpurata
Olethreutes new species near permundana
Olethreutes nigranum
Olethreutes nitidana
Olethreutes ochrosuffusanum
Olethreutes olivaceana
Olethreutes osmundana
Olethreutes permundana
Olethreutes permundana complex
Olethreutes sericoranum
Olethreutes tilianum
Olethreutes troglodanum
Olethreutes unidentified species
Olethreutes valdanum
Olethreutes viburnanum
11 NC Records
Olethreutes concinnana
(Clemens, 1865) - No Common Name
P3 Number:
MONA Number:
is a large genus with over 130 recognized species worldwide. North America has around 80 recognized species, with at least 37 species occurring in North Carolina. Some species are very difficult to identify due to interspecific similarities in color and forewing pattern and only subtle differences in genitalia (Gilligan et al., 2008). In many instances, knowledge of the host plant is essential for a confident determination. All of the Nearctic species are leaf-tiers or leaf-rollers on deciduous trees and shrubs.
Field Guide Descriptions:
Online Resources:
Adult Markings:
This species has an overall olive-brown to yellowish-brown appearance and is polymorphic, with individuals being either heavily dusted with black scales over the basal four-fifths of the wing, or with little dusting so that the underlying patterning is visible. The following description is for the undusted forms. The thorax and head has a mixture of light-brown and blackish scale patches, and the thoracic tuft is black. The larger marks on the forewing have a mixture of black and olive-brown to reddish-brown scales, with the black scales tending to dominate and produces an overall dark appearance. All of the larger marks are margined with a line of pale scales, while the striated areas between the marks vary from yellowish-brown to leaden-black and usually do not contrast strongly with the larger marks. A blackish, lobed, basal patch extends from the inner margin at around one-fourth the wing length to the center of the wing where it meets an interfascial band that separates it from the medial fascia. The medial fascia consists of relatively wide costal and middle teeth that have acute tips, and a dorsal patch that narrows posteriorly and usually fuses with the subtornal patch. The costal tooth is blackish at the base and is followed by three or four small, dark, costal spots and a prominent blackish apical spot. The basal half of the costa has a black spot about midway between the wing base and the costal tooth.The remaining mark is a postmedial bar that extends from the subcostal region at around four-fifths the wing length to the middle of the outer margin. The fringe has a mixture of alternating light brown and dark-brown patches, along with a dark basal line. The hindwing is brown, with a whitish fringe that has a dark brown basal line.
11-15 mm (Heinrich, 1926).
Forewing Length:
5.0-7.5 mm (Gilligan et al., 2008).
Adult Structural Features:
Gilligan et al. (2008) provided illustrations of the male and female genitalia, and noted that the valva lacks a digitus, and that the medial margin of the neck cavity is completely lined with thin spines. The corpus bursae has a signum.
Structural photos
Male genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Male genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Male genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Male genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Male genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Male genitalia; Durham County; J.B. Sullivan.
Female genitalia; North Carolina; J.B. Sullivan.
Adult ID Requirements:
Identifiable from photos showing hindwings, abdomen, or other specialized views [e.g., frons, palps, antennae, undersides].
Immatures and Development:
The larvae are leaf rollers that feed on broadleaf, herbaceous plants such as
. A larva that was collected by MJ Hatfield in Iowa on 5 June produced an adult on 24 June (BugGuide), while a larva collected by Ken Kneidel in North Carolina on 8 August yielded an adult on 26 August. The larvae have translucent greenish bodies and a light amber-colored head and prothoracic shield.
Distribution in North Carolina
Olethreutes concinnana
is primarily found in the eastern US, but also in a broad region of southern Canada that extends from British Columbia and Alberta eastward to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. In the US, the range extends from Maine and other New England states westward across the Great Lakes region to Iowa and southern Wisconsin, and southward to Arkansas, western Tennessee, northern Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. As of 2024, most of our records are from the eastern Piedmont, with two from the northern Blue Ridge. The long flight season in the Piedmont suggests that local populations there may have two generations per year.
County Map:
Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Immature Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments:
The adults have been observed from April through October in different areas of the range, with a seasonal peak in activity typically from June through August. As of 2024, our records range from early-May to late-September.
Habitats and Life History
Local populations have been found in a variety of habitats such as meadows, forest edges, bottomlands, mesic forests and road corridors.
Larval Host Plants:
Heinrich (1926) reported that blackberry (
) was a host, but Miller (1979) was unable to confirm the record (Gilligan et al., 2008). MJ Hatfield reared an adult from Cutleaf Coneflower (
Rudbeckia laciniata
; BugGuide), and Ken Kneidel recently reared this species in North Carolina from Spotted Jewelweed (
Impatiens capensis
). -
Observation Methods:
The adults are attracted to lights.
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks:
State Protection:
Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.
This species appears to be uncommon in North Carolina, but more information is needed on its host use, preferred habitats, and distribution and abundance before we can accurately assess its conservation status.
Photo Gallery for
Olethreutes concinnana
- None
Photos: 14
Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik on 2024-09-21
Chatham Co.
Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik on 2024-05-25
Chatham Co.
Recorded by: Jeff Niznik on 2024-05-09
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Jeff Niznik on 2024-05-09
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Jeff Niznik on 2023-10-13
Durham Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-08-26
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-08-26
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Adult (7.5 mm total length) reared from caterpillar on Impatiens capensis
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-08-26
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Adult (7.5 mm total length) reared from caterpillar on Impatiens capensis
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-08-08
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-08-08
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Darryl Willis on 2023-05-12
Cabarrus Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-05-03
Orange Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-05-03
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Kyle Kittelberger on 2012-07-24
Ashe Co.