Moths of North Carolina
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41 NC Records

Platynota rostrana (Walker, 1863) - Omnivorous Platynota Moth

Superfamily: Tortricoidea Family: TortricidaeSubfamily: TortricinaeTribe: SparganothiniP3 Number: 620436.00 MONA Number: 3745.00
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLDTechnical Description, Adults: Powell and Brown (2012)                                                                                 
Adult Markings: The following description is based primarily on that of Powell and Brown (2012). The males and females are sexually dimorphic. The palps, heads, and thorax of the females vary from grayish to reddish brown or light brown and tend to be concolorous with the forewing ground color. The forewing ground varies from brown to reddish brown and has numerous transverse striae. The striae are typically pale colored with blackish scales associated with them on the posterior margin. Most are very short, but three are elongated and produce conspicuous lines on the wing. These include a posteriorly oblique line that begins of the costa at around one-third the length from the base to the apex and extend to the inner margin, a similar but more curved line that begins on the costa at two-thirds and projects towards the subtornal area, and a subapical line just before the apex that runs nearly parallel to the termen and extends to the tornus. Many specimens have the area posterior to the first and second lines dusted with blackish scales to produce broad, diffuse bands across the wing.

The males are smaller on average, have relatively short palps, and an elongated costal fold that extends beyond the middle of the costa. The wing color is often some shade of reddish brown and the strigulae are less conspicuous, with the three lines of the females absent. Males typically have a dark costal patch at around three-fourths and a zone of pale tan or ocherous scales in the terminal fifth of the wing that is lighter than the ground on the basal four-fifths. Males in North Carolina commonly have a small dark spot just before the costal spot and a narrow line of dark scales on the anterior edge of the thorax.

Powell and Brown (2012) note that the males of P. rostrana and P. flavedana are often extremely similar given the broad range of variation in forewing maculation present in each. Both have extremely similar genitalia as well, with similar degrees of variation. Males of P. rostrana differ from those of P. flavedana by having complex scaling of the frons that produces a hood-like structure, and in having long orange sex scaling along the anal margin of the hindwing. In North Carolina, these species are usually distinguishable based on the wing coloration and patterning. On P. flavedana, the basal one-fifth and terminal one-fifth of the wing is pale whitish or yellowish and contrast with the overall blackish central region. The basal fifth on P. rostrana is not as noticeably contrasting with the central portion of the wing, and the wing is not heavily mottled or dusted with black. The costal triangle and associated black spot, along with a line of dark scales on the anterior of the thorax, are also useful in distinguishing P. rostrana from P. flavedana.
Forewing Length: 6.0–7.0 mm for males and 7.0–9.0 mm for females (Powell and Brown, 2012).
Adult Structural Features: Males have a costal fold that is two-thirds the length of the costa. They also have a "hood"-like scale tuft on the frons that distinguishes them from males of P. flavedana. Powell and Brown (2012) have illustrations and descriptions of the male and female genitalia.
Adult ID Requirements: Identifiable from photos showing hindwings, abdomen, or other specialized views [e.g., frons, palps, antennae, undersides].
Immatures and Development: The larvae are highly polyphagous and either fold, roll or tie leaves to form feeding shelters. They may also bind several fresh leaves together on shoot tips to form feeding shelters. Pupation occurs within the shelters. The pupal stage is brief and local populations typically have three or more broods per year. The late instars have greenish-yellow bodies with greenish-yellow anal plates, black heads and black thoracic shields.
Larvae ID Requirements: Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: Platynota rostrana has southern affinities and occurs in the US from coastal areas of Virginia southward to southern Florida, then westward to Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and southern Illinois. It also occurs in central American, the Caribbean, and portions of South America. As of 2023, all of our records are from the Coastal Plain, except for one questionable record from the eastern Piedmont that needs confirmation.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments: Local populations are multivoltine is most areas of the range. The adults have been found year-round in southern states such as Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas, with a slightly more contracted flight season farther north. As of 2023, our records extend from early April through early December and local populations appear to be multivoltine.
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Platynota rostrana has tropical and subtropical affinities and is commonly found in the US in coastal habitats that are buffered from extreme cold. Most of our records are from sandy, xeric habitats, including a barrier island, coastal pine forests, and one record from the Sandhills.
Larval Host Plants: The larvae are polyphagous and feed on a wide variety of tropical, subtropical, and temperate species, including agricultural crops (Meyrick MS, 1938; Bruner et al., 1975; MacKay, 1962; Heppner, 2007; Robinson et al., 2010; Powell and Brown, 2012). Reported hosts that are most relevant to the US include Amaranthus, False Indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa), Groundsel-tree (Baccharis halimifolia), Celery (Apium graveolens), Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum), Pecan (Carya illinoiensis), oranges and grapefruits, Yankeeweed (Eupatorium compositifolium), Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting (Gamochaeta purpurea), Geranium, Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), English Ivy (Hedera helix), Hibiscus, Dahoon Holly (Ilex cassine), Chinese Holly (I. cornuta), American Holly (I. opaca), Lantana, Annual Lion's-ear (Leonotis nepetifolia), Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Mimosa, Avocado (Persea americana), Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus), Pyrus, Water Oak (Quercus nigra), Slender Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis dillenii), roses (Rosa), Senna, Bagpod (Sesbania vesicaria), Garden Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Spanish-moss (Tillandsia usneoides; BugGuide), American Strawberry-bush (Euonymus americanus) and blueberries (Vaccinium). Avocado has been reported as a host, which may indicate that redbays could be used in North Carolina. It could also feed on Xanthoxylum, based on records for citrus species. - View
Observation Methods: The adults are attracted to lights and have been reared from host plants.
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: GNR S2S4
State Protection: Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.
Comments: This species can be locally common, but is generally uncommon within the state. We need additional information on preferred habitats, host use, distribution and abundance before we can accurately assess its conservation status.

 Photo Gallery for Platynota rostrana - Omnivorous Platynota Moth

Photos: 30

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Brunswick Co.
Recorded by: Mark Basinger on 2024-05-21
Wilson Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2024-05-01
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik, Rich Teper on 2024-04-17
New Hanover Co.
Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik, Rich Teper on 2024-04-16
New Hanover Co.
Recorded by: Mark Basinger on 2023-10-09
Brunswick Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2023-10-04
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka, Chuck Smith on 2023-05-12
Bladen Co.
Recorded by: Dean Furbish on 2023-05-04
Pender Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2023-04-13
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-09-01
Orange Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2022-04-06
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2021-09-21
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2021-08-10
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Recorded by: R. Newman on 2021-06-26
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2021-05-11
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: R. Newman on 2021-04-09
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2020-11-06
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2020-04-11
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2020-04-09
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2020-03-09
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2019-10-25
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2019-09-25
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2019-09-15
Onslow Co.
Comment: Male, showning long costal fold
Recorded by: Mark Shields on 2019-09-12
Onslow Co.
Recorded by: Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn on 2017-04-17
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Newman, Randy on 2007-05-08
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Newman, Randy on 2006-04-13
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Newman, Randy on 2005-09-07
Carteret Co.
Recorded by: Newman, Randy on 2004-05-03
Carteret Co.