Field Guide Descriptions: Covell (1984); Beadle and Leckie (2012) | Online Resources: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLD | |
Adult Markings: The head, thorax, and wings are all concolorous reddish or greenish-gray; a white bar between the antennae the only contrasting mark (Forbes, 1948). The discal dot is obscure and the postmedian is usually faint, but wavy and marked with points at the veins. The terminal line is fine and black. |
Wingspan: 15 mm (Forbes, 1948) |
Adult Structural Features: Males with hind tibiae with end spurs only (4 present in females) and otherwise not modified (Forbes, 1948). The forewings are unique among the Sterrhinae in lacking an accessory cell and the radial veins all originating from a common stalk. The hindwing is distinctively arc-shaped. Male antennae are pectinate. |
Adult ID Requirements: Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens. |
Larvae ID Requirements: Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants. |