Moths of North Carolina
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Scientific Name:
Common Name:
Family (Alpha):
ADELIDAE-Fairy moths
BATRACHEDRIDAE-Batrachedrid Moths
BEDELLIIDAE-Bedelliid Moths
CHOREUTIDAE-Metalmark Moths
COLEOPHORIDAE-Casebearer Moths and Relatives
COSMOPTERIGIDAE-Cosmopterigid Moths
COSSIDAE-Carpenter Moths, Goat Moths
CRAMBIDAE-Grass Moths, Snout Moths
DREPANIDAE-Hook-tips and Thyatirid Moths
ELACHISTIDAE-Grassminer Moths and Relatives
EREBIDAE-Erebid Moths
GELECHIIDAE-Gelechiid Moths; Twirler Moths
GEOMETRIDAE-Geometer Moths, Loopers
GRACILLARIIDAE-Leafblotch miner moths
HELIOZELIDAE-Shield bearer moths
HEPIALIDAE-Ghost or Swift Moths
LASIOCAMPIDAE-Tent Caterpillar Moths, Lappet Moths
LECITHOCERIDAE-Long-horned Moths
LIMACODIDAE-Slug Caterpillar Moths
LYONETIIDAE-Lyonetiid Moths
MOMPHIDAE-Mompha Moths
NEPTICULIDAE-Minute leaf miners
OECOPHORIDAE-Oecophorid Moths
PLUTELLIDAE-Diamondback Moths
PSYCHIDAE-Bagworm Moths
PYRALIDAE-Pyralid Moths, Snout Moths
SATURNIIDAE-Giant Silkworm Moths
SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE-Schreckensteiniid Moths
SESIIDAE-Clearwing Moths
THYRIDIDAE-Window-winged Moths
TINEIDAE-Clothes moths
TISCHERIIDAE-Tischerid Moths
TORTRICIDAE-Leafroller Moths
URODIDAE-Urodid Moths
YPSOLOPHIDAE-Ypsolophid Moths
Gracillariidae Members:
Acrocercops albinatella
Acrocercops astericola
Acrocercops unidentified species
Anarsioses aberrans
Aristaea pennsylvaniella
Caloptilia alnivorella
Caloptilia azaleella
Caloptilia belfragella
Caloptilia bimaculatella
Caloptilia blandella
Caloptilia cornusella
Caloptilia coroniella
Caloptilia flavella
Caloptilia glutinella
Caloptilia hypericella
Caloptilia invariabilis
Caloptilia juglandiella
Caloptilia negundella
Caloptilia ostryaeella
Caloptilia packardella
Caloptilia paradoxum
Caloptilia porphyretica
Caloptilia rhoifoliella
Caloptilia sassafrasella
Caloptilia serotinella
Caloptilia stigmatella
Caloptilia superbifrontella
Caloptilia triadicae
Caloptilia umbratella
Caloptilia unidentified species
Caloptilia violacella
Cameraria aceriella
Cameraria aesculisella
Cameraria arcuella
Cameraria bethunella
Cameraria betulivora
Cameraria caryaefoliella
Cameraria castaneaeella
Cameraria cincinnatiella
Cameraria conglomeratella
Cameraria corylisella
Cameraria fasciella
Cameraria fletcherella
Cameraria guttifinitella
Cameraria hamadryadella
Cameraria hamameliella
Cameraria lentella
Cameraria macrocarpella
Cameraria obstrictella
Cameraria ostryarella
Cameraria picturatella
Cameraria quercivorella
Cameraria saccharella
Cameraria tubiferella
Cameraria ulmella
Cameraria unidentified species
Chrysaster ostensackenella
Cremastobombycia ignota
Cremastobombycia solidaginis
Cremastobombycia unidentified species
Cryptolectica strigosa
Leucanthiza amphicarpeaefoliella
Leucospilapteryx unidentified species
Leucospilapteryx venustella
Macrosaccus morrisella
Macrosaccus robiniella
Macrosaccus uhlerella
Marmara apocynella
Marmara auratella
Marmara fasciella
Marmara fraxinicola
Marmara new species 1 - on Symplocos
Marmara new species 10 - on Benthamidia and Swida
Marmara new species 11 - on Dysphania or Chenopodium
Marmara new species 12 - on Euphorbia
Marmara new species 13 - on Gardenia
Marmara new species 14 - on Gelsemium
Marmara new species 15 - on Ilex spp.
Marmara new species 16 - on Impatiens
Marmara new species 17 - on Iva spp.
Marmara new species 18 - on Liquidambar
Marmara new species 19 - on Morella
Marmara new species 2 - on Clematis
Marmara new species 20 - on Nyssa
Marmara new species 21 - on Oxydendrum leaf
Marmara new species 22 - on Oxydendrum stem
Marmara new species 23 - on Passiflora
Marmara new species 24 - on Quercus alba
Marmara new species 25 - on Quercus margaretiae and virginiana
Marmara new species 26 - on Rosa
Marmara new species 27 - on Senna
Marmara new species 28 - on Ulmus
Marmara new species 29 - on Vaccinium
Marmara new species 3 - on Acer spp.
Marmara new species 4 - on Acer negundo
Marmara new species 5 - on Borrichia
Marmara new species 6 - on Carpinus
Marmara new species 7 - on Ostrya
Marmara new species 8 - on Carya spp.
Marmara new species 9 - on Cercis
Marmara serotinella
Marmara smilacisella
Marmara unidentified species
Marmara viburnella
Micrurapteryx salicifoliella
Neurobathra strigifinitella
Neurobathra unidentified species
New genus and species near Neurobathra
Parectopa lespedezaefoliella
Parectopa plantaginisella
Parectopa robiniella
Parectopa unidentified species
Parornix geminatella
Parornix obliterella
Parornix preciosella
Parornix unidentified species
Parornix vicinella
Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella
Phyllocnistis hyperpersea
Phyllocnistis insignis
Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella
Phyllocnistis liriodendronella
Phyllocnistis New Species one
Phyllocnistis subpersea
Phyllocnistis unidentified species
Phyllocnistis vitegenella
Phyllocnistis vitifoliella
Phyllonorycter aeriferella
Phyllonorycter albanotella
Phyllonorycter argentifimbriella
Phyllonorycter argentinotella
Phyllonorycter auronitens
Phyllonorycter basistrigella
Phyllonorycter caryaealbella
Phyllonorycter celtifoliella
Phyllonorycter celtisella
Phyllonorycter crataegella
Phyllonorycter diversella
Phyllonorycter fitchella
Phyllonorycter intermixta
Phyllonorycter lucetiella
Phyllonorycter lucidicostella
Phyllonorycter maestingella
Phyllonorycter mariaeella
Phyllonorycter martiella
Phyllonorycter New Species one
Phyllonorycter obscuricostella
Phyllonorycter occitanica
Phyllonorycter ostryaefoliella
Phyllonorycter propinquinella
Phyllonorycter quercialbella
Phyllonorycter rhododendrella
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
Phyllonorycter scudderella
Phyllonorycter tiliacella
Phyllonorycter trinotella
Phyllonorycter unidentified species
Phyllonorycter viburnella
Porphyrosela desmodiella
Porphyrosela minuta
Porphyrosela unidentified species
Povolnya quercinigrella
Telamoptilia hibiscivora
Anarsioses aberrans
8 NC Records
Anarsioses aberrans
(Braun, 1930) - No Common Name
view caption
An adult that was reared from a mine.
view caption
A larva that was removed from a mine.
view caption
An occupied mine on American Groundnut. Note the centrally placed frass.
view caption
A view of several mature mines on American Groundnut. Note the initial linear portion on the mine on the right.
P3 Number:
MONA Number:
MONA Synonym:
Phyllonorycter aberrans
Species Status:
This genus of this taxon was recently changed from
. Davis (2019) placed it in a new monotypic genus (
) based on differences in genitalia, life history characteristics, and molecular differences when compared with
Field Guide Descriptions:
Online Resources:
Technical Description, Adults:
Braun, 1930; Davis, 2019.
Technical Description, Immature Stages:
Braun, 1930; Davis, 2019.
Adult Markings:
The following description of the adults is primarily from Davis (2019); the original description is in Braun (1930). The frons is white, and the dorsal scale tuft has a mixture of white and dark brown, piliform scales. The antenna is mostly brown with whitish annuli, while the scape and a few succeeding flagellomeres are white on the anterior surface. The thorax is white, with brown and brownish ochreous scales intermixed. The forewing pattern is complex. It consists of partially brownish ochreous coloration with black tipped scales, along with two strongly angulate white fasciae that occur near the basal third and the distal two thirds of the wing. The costal arms of the fasciae are shorter than the dorsal arms. There is a pair of white irregularly margined spots on the costal and dorsal wing margins near the distal third of the wing. There is also a pair of much smaller, and more slender, white spots near the apex. The basal margins of the fasciae and spots are bordered with patches of black scales that often appear as dark streaks. The cilia are predominantly white, but are tipped with a few black scales below the apex. The hindwing is pale silvery gray with slightly ochreous cilia. The legs are white, and the apices of the segments are dark brown. The posterior tibiae has diagonal, dark brown bands. The abdomen is gray to brown dorsally, and silvery white ventrally.
6.0-6.5 mm (Braun, 1930).
Forewing Length:
2.7-3.0 mm (Davis, 2019).
Adult Structural Features:
Davis (2019) provides a detailed description and illustrations of the male and female genitalia. According to Davis (2019),
differs from
and other Lithocolletine genera in the asymmetry of the male genitalia and eighth abdominal sternite. The right valva in
is broad with a rounded apex, and the left valva is extremely narrow with a bifurcated apex. The phallus is strongly curved, and the male eighth sternum terminates in a slender, curved lobe. The males of several species of
also have asymmetrical valvae, but in most of these species the left valva is broad and the right slenderer. The phallus in
is typically straight. The male eighth sternum also is typically symmetrical in
Adult ID Requirements:
Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens.
Immatures and Development:
The larva mines the upper surface of the leaf and initially creates an irregular linear mine that rapidly expands into a blotch. The linear portion is often obliterated by the expanding blotch, which is unwrinkled and white due to the loosened, thin epidermis (Braun, 1930). Each mine contains a single larva, but adjoining blotches may fuse with time to give the appearance of a communal mine. The larvae are sap-feeders with flattened bodies, except for the last instar that is cylindrical with functional mouthparts for feeding on parenchyma. The larva eventually leaves the mine and constructs a smooth, flat, whitish silk cocoon that is sometimes in the fold of a leaf (Braun, 1930; Davis, 2019).
Larvae ID Requirements:
Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants.
Distribution in North Carolina
Anarsioses aberrans
is found in the east-central and southeastern United States from Ohio, Kentucky, and Maryland southward and westward to Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and the Carolinas, with an apparent disjunct in northern Florida (Davis, 2019; Eiseman and Davis, 2020). As of 2020, our records for North Carolina are from Durham, Wake, and Scotland Cos, and reflect Tracy Feldman's work on leafminers in this region of the state.
County Map:
Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Immature Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments:
Populations appear to be univoltine in Ohio (Braun, 1930), but may be bivoltine in North Carolina. Based on the discovery of active, mature mines in early May (Davis, 2019), the females in North Carolina begin laying eggs in April. Active mines have also been found in August-September (Davis, 2019), which suggests that a second brood is produced then.
Habitats and Life History
Larval Host Plants:
Anarsioses aberrans
specializes on legumes (Fabaceae). Davis (2019) listed the following documented hosts: American Groundnut (
Apios americana
), Hoary Tick-trefoil (
Desmodium canescens
), Panicled Tick-trefoil (
D. paniculatum
), Tall Tick-trefoil (
D. glabellum
), Maryland Tick-trefoil (
D. marilandicum
), Perplexing Tick-trefoil (
D. perplexum
), Hairy Lespedeza (
Lespedeza hirta
), and Hairypod Cowpea (
Vigna luteola
). In North Carolina, we have found mines on
Apios americana
Desmodium canescens
D. marilandicum
D. paniculatum
, Florida Tick-trefoil (
D. tortuosum
Lespedeza hirta
, and Trailing Lespedeza (
L. procumbens
). -
Observation Methods:
The adults appear to rarely visit UV lights, and most records are from individuals that were reared from leaf mines. Look for the mines in May, and again in August and September.
See also Habitat Account for
General Leguminous Forb and Shrublands
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks:
State Protection:
We currently do not have sufficient data on the distribution and abundance of this species within the state to accurately assess its conservation status.
Photo Gallery for
Anarsioses aberrans
- None
Photos: 13
Recorded by: F. Williams, S. Williams on 2024-10-03
Bertie Co.
Recorded by: F. Williams, S. Williams on 2024-07-19
Gates Co.
Recorded by: Dean Furbish on 2023-08-19
Wake Co.
Comment: Occupied mines on Apios americana.
Recorded by: Dean Furbish on 2023-08-19
Wake Co.
Comment: An occupied mine on American Groundnut.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-09-28
Anson Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-09-28
Anson Co.
Recorded by: David George on 2022-09-12
Wake Co.
Comment: upper-surface mine on Apios americana
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2021-10-03
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: A view of several mature upper-surface mines on Apios americana.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2021-10-03
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: A view of the underside of a leaflet of Apios americana that had several upper-surface mines (see companion photo).
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2021-10-03
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: A mature larva from Apios americana.
Recorded by: Tracy S. Feldman and Charley Eiseman on 2015-08-26
Scotland Co.
Comment: Mines on the upper side of leaves of Apios americana.
Recorded by: Tracy S. Feldman and Charley Eiseman on 2015-08-26
Scotland Co.
Comment: Young mines on the upper side of leaves of Apios americana.
Recorded by: Tracy S. Feldman and Charley Eiseman on 2015-08-26
Scotland Co.
Comment: An adult that emerged on 2015-09-18 from leaf mines collected on 2015-08-26.