The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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Hint: You can also search by county using a map of NC here.

Species ID:

Partial search terms are acceptable for Common Name, SciName, County, Comments and Observer:

For Common Name, or Scientific Name, the search term is contained in the name. Searching for carolina will return ALL records for both Carolina Saddlebags and Carolina Spreadwing. Also, a search on carolina sp or ina spr will only return records for Carolina Spreadwing.

For counties the search term begins with the county name. To find all records for Moore County search for moo. To find only records for the Piedmont province of Moore enter moore; p
Multiple counties can be searched for: just separate each county with a comma (e.g., durham,orange).

For comments the search term is contained in the comments field. To find ALL records for odes with "mating" in the comments field enter mating
You can search for multiple terms by separating each using an "*". For example, entering "ocmo*occoneechee" will return all records containing either of those terms in the comments field.

For observer the search term is contained in the obsever field. To find ALL records for odes with "HEL" as one of the observers enter HEL