Tardigrades of North Carolina
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View PDFCalohypsibiidae Members: 9 NC Records

Calohypsibius schusteri Nelson & McGlothlin, 1996 - No Common Name

Habitus, focus mergded, PC
Class: EutardigradaOrder: Parachela Family: Calohypsibiidae Checklist Number: 1090.0
Taxonomic Comments: Easily distinguished from Calohypsibius ornatus by tubercles and lack of long cuticular spines.
Species Notes: Terrestrial. This species was discovered by Diane Nelson and her student Karen McGlothlin in Roan Mountain, TN. It has been reported only from TN, NC, and Costa Rica.
Online resources:Online Photographs: Google, GBIF                                                                                 
Species Description: Eye spots absent. Cuticle colorless, with distinct sculpture. Irregular, rhomboidal, knob-like tubercles cover the entire dorsal and lateral cuticle and extend onto the ventral surface. Larger tubercles are in 10 transverse rows with smaller tubercles between rows and on all legs. Tops of tubercles appear star-shaped when viewed with phase microscopy. The height of the tubercles increases in size posteriorly, with caudal tubercles about 2-2.5 µm in height and about 2 µm in width at the top of the tubercle. Buccal tube narrow, 17.5 µm long by 1 µm wide. Wall of buccal tube thickened posterior to insertion of stylet supports. Distance from end of buccal tube to insertion of stylet supports 7.5 µm, approximately 45% of the length of buccal tube. Spherical pharyngeal bulb (16 x 15 µm) with well developed apophyses and two granular macroplacoids; placoids approximately equal in length, 1.5 µm. Length of placoid row from apophysis to end of second macroplacoid, 4.5 µm. Microplacoid and septum absent. Two double claws on each leg Calohypsibius-type, with the primary branch of the external claw rigidly attached to the secondary branch; claw sequence 2-1-2-1. On legs I-III, distance from base of external claw to tip of primary branch about 3.5-4 µm. Claws on legs IV slightly larger, but not accurately measurable on holotype. Angle between primary and secondary branch approximately 44 degrees. Primary and secondary branches of external claws with widely separared tip, 4.5 µm apart. -Nelson & McGlothlin 1996
Body Length: Around 145 microns.
Key Characters: Calohypsius claws and buccal apparatus with irregular, rhomboidal, knob-like tubercles over entire cuticle.
Key Character Images
ID Requirements: Identifiable only by close inspection of key characters or by DNA analysis.
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Predominantly on tree moss, but also occurs in other terrestrial habitats.
Abundance: Rare, making up only 0.25% of all limnoterrestrial species in Bartels' Smokies inventory.
Diet: Herbivorous.
Reproduction: Smooth eggs laid in shed exuvium.
Observation Methods: PC, DIC, SEM.

 Photo Gallery for Calohypsibius schusteri - No common name

Photos: 10

Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Drawinggs from Nelson & McGlothlin 1996
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Claws IV, DIC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, DIC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, DIC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Claws II & III, DIC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, focus mergded, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, lateral, PC. Gasiorek et al 2019
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2003-07-29
Swain Co.
Comment: Lateral, PC, Gasiorek et al 2019