Tardigrades of North Carolina
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View PDFDoryphoribiidae Members: 1 NC Records

Thulinius romanoi Bertolani et al., 2014 - No Common Name

Habitus, lateral, PC
Class: EutardigradaOrder: Parachela Family: Doryphoribiidae Checklist Number: 1650.0 Synonym: Thulinius stephaniae (see Bartels et al. 2021)
Taxonomic Comments: The genus was transferred to Doryphoribiidae by Gasiorek et al. 2019.
Species Notes: Freshwater. New species described in the GSMNP, and so far only reported from there. 18s rDNA and partial cox1 sequences deposited at GenBank.
Online resources:Online Photographs: Google, GBIF                                                                                 
Species Description: Large body size (328.7–542.3 μm in length), body shape sometimes suggesting a fat piglet (Fig. 4A). Cuticle sculptured on all surfaces (dorsally, ventrally and on all legs) with polygonal mesh (Fig. 4C) forming an extended roughness where the cuticle is contracted. Eyes not observed in the mounted material. Peribuccal lamellae present. Lobes around the mouth not subdivided. Buccal armature with only the posterior band of small teeth followed by a line of large rounded teeth (Fig.4B). Large straight buccal tube. Large pharyngeal apophyses developed longitudinally; three long rod-shaped macroplacoids; no microplacoid. The curvatures of the placoid rows resemble a Grecian urn (Fig. 4B). Small stylet furcae (Fig. 4B). Large claws of Isohypsibius type (Figs 5A–C), the external claw more slender than the internal. Primary branch of the internal claw with a distinct dorsal knob. Accessory points on the primary branches present. Basal portions of all claws slender, wider in their distal portion in the internal claw (Figs 5 A–B). Lunules probably absent on all legs (Figs 5 A–C), or present only on the external or posterior claw but very reduced. Long cuticular bars, subdivided into two parts, present under the claws on the first three pairs of legs (Figs 5 A–B).
-Bertolani et al. 2014
Body Length: 328-358 microns.
Key Characters: Cuticle sculptured with polygonal mesh, absence of lunules and more robust basal tract on all claws.
Key Character Images
ID Requirements: Identifiable only by close inspection of key characters or by DNA analysis.
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Freshwater streams.
Abundance: Rare. This species makes up 0.18% of aquatic specimens collected in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Bartels' inventory.
Diet: Carnivorous or omnivorous.
Reproduction: Smooth eggs deposited in exuvium.
Observation Methods: PC and DIC.

 Photo Gallery for Thulinius romanoi - No common name

Photos: 6

Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Claws IV, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Claws III, PC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, lateral, DIC
Recorded by: Bartels on 2008-05-09
Swain Co.
Comment: Habitus, lateral, PC