Beetles of North Carolina
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Trechus balsamensis
checklist_number: 6011010026.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus balsamensis belongs to subgenus Microtrechus and was included in the Nebulosus Species Group by Barr (1979). In addition to balsamensis, Bosquet (2012) includes 21 species in this group, 18 of which occur in North Carolina and the rest in Tennessee. "Closely similar to nebulosus" (Barr, 1962). Members of this genus generally show too little variation in pattern for standard photographs to be used to identify particular species....Waterrock Knob is 6,293', with the summit supporting a stand of Spruce-fir Forest. Spruce-fir forest also exists on Mt. Kephardt, where T. balsamensis was found by Caterino in 2021. Litter and soils i...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......[S1]GH [G1][SR]NatureServe (accessed 2021-01-20) considers this species to be possibly extinct However, it was recorded in 2004 by Donabauer (2005b) and in 2018 and 2021 by M.S. Caterino (GBIF). As a species known f...
Acanthocinus obsoletus
checklist_number: 121003001002.00
......Larvae feed on the bark of dead or dying pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007).........
Anelaphus moestus pinorum
checklist_number: 121002006003.02
Casey (1914) describes pinorum as smaller, more convex and more abbreviated than moestus, with smaller and thinner antennae, much less sinuate apex of the prothorax and coarser interstitial puncture...............
Pidonia vibex
checklist_number: 121004027004.00
The key characters given for P. ruficollis by Lingafelter (2007) still apply but all specimens with pale stripes on the elytra are now considered to belong to P. vibex (Androw, 2017, in ...............
Trechus mitchellensis
checklist_number: 6011010014.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus mitchellensis belongs to subgenus Trechus and is included in the Hydropicus Species Group by Barr (1979, 1985). Other members of this group that occur in North Carolina are Trechus hydropicus, schwarzi, caligisnis, carolinae, and roanicus; Trechus cumberlandus is the only other member of this group and is restricted to the Cumberland Plateau in Kentucky and Tennessee."Dark piceous black, robust and subconvex, shining" (Barr, 1962). Generally, members of this genus show too little variation in pattern for standard photographs to be used to identify particular spec..."All localities are at elevations between 4800 and 6500 feet". "The usual microhabitat is under moss carpets in spruce-fir forest" (Barr, 1979)...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......S1GH[SR]This species is endemic to the Black Mountains of North Carolina and is considered globally historic (or possibly extinct) by NatureServe. No records apparently have been made since Barr last reported...
Astylidius parvus
checklist_number: 121003007001.00
......Larvae feed on various hardwood trees, shrubs, and vines (Yanega, 1996).........
Etorofus plebejus
Plebeian Long-horned Beetle
checklist_number: 121004040001.00
...Our one record comes from a high elevation site with spruce growing close by...Larvae feed on spruce and pine (Yanega, 1996)...Adults are diurnal and can be found on flowers...S1S2G5[SR]This species is primarily boreal with records from northern New England and Canada. Our record from the Black Mountains is located greater than 500 miles from the next documented population. Like seve...
Trechus roanicus
checklist_number: 6011010020.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus roanicus belongs to subgenus Trechus and is included in the Hydropicus Species Group by Barr (1979, 1985). Other members of this group that occur in North Carolina are Trechus hydropicus, schwarzi, mitchellensis, carolinae, and caliginis; Trechus cumberlandus is the only other member of this group and is restricted to the Cumberland Plateau in Kentucky and Tennessee."Dark piceous, shining, rather convex and robust" (Barr, 1962). Generally, members of this genus show too little variation in pattern for standard photographs to be used to identify particular species..."The species occurs under moss carpets on north-facing cliffs, in contrast to T. h. beutcnmuelleri, which is found not only in the same microhabitat but also under wood chips, under moss on logs, and ...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......S1GH[SR]This species is endemic to Roan Mountain where it has been found only at the highest summit. It is likely to be highly vulnerable to the warming and drying impacts of climate change. It is considered...
Trechus pseudonovaculosus
checklist_number: 6011010042.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus pseudonovaculosus belongs to subgenus Microtrechus and is included in the Nebulosus Species Group by Bosquet (2012). In addition to pseudonovaculosus, 21 other species are included in this group, 18 of which occur in North Carolina and the rest in Tennessee."Body entirely reddish piceous, slightly paler than in T. novaculosus, disk of pronotum sometimes darker, elytra shiny with slight bluish lustre, paler along suture. Legs and antenna entirely pale red...Clingman's Dome is 6,644? in elevation and the type specimens were found in the Spruce-fir Forest around the summit in wet places at the base of steep cliffs covered by moss (Donabauer, 2005b)...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......SH[GNR][SR]This species is endemic to Clingman's Dome and has not been observed since it was first described in 1938. It was probably highly dependent on Spruce-fir Forests and their associated cool, wet, micro...
Trechus plottbalsamensis
checklist_number: 6011010040.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus plottbalsamensis belongs to subgenus Microtrechus and was included in the Uncifer Species Group by Donabauer (2005a). In addition to plottbalsamensis, Bosquet (2012) includes 10 other species in this group, all of which occur in the North Carolina mountains or on the ridges forming the border between North Carolina and Tennessee."A medium-sized species for Microtrechus, similar to T. uncifer" (Donabauer, 2005a). Members of this genus generally show too little variation in pattern for standard photographs to be used to identi...The summit of Waterrock Knob is 6,293' and is covered with an isolated stand of Spruce-fir Forest. The type specimens were collected from a single site by sifting wet leaf litter from beside a spring ...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......[S1][GNR][SR]This species is known from single, isolated stand of Spruce-fir Forest and was considered very rare by its discoverer. It is likely to be among the most highly threatened species to the warming and dr...
Trechus nebulosus
checklist_number: 6011010038.00
One of 82 species in this genus that have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, 42 of which occur in North Carolina (Bosquet, 2012). Trechus nebulosus belongs to subgenus Microtrechus and is included in the Nebulosus Species Group by Bosquet (2012). In addition to nebulosus, 21 other species are included in this group, 18 of which occur in North Carolina and the rest in Tennessee."Black to dark piceous, disc of the pronotum and antennal segments III-V slightly darker" (Barr, 1962). Members of this genus generally show too little variation in pattern for standard photographs to...Known only from high altitudes (5000-6300 feet) along the crest of the Great Smoky Mountains {Barr, 1962). Donabauer (2005b) also reported finding it only at the highest elevations of the GSM ridge, w...Predatory on small insects and other invertebrates......[S1S2]GNR[SR]This species is restricted to the highest elevations in our mountains. As a species requiring extremely cool, moist habitats it is likely to be especially imperiled by the drying and warming impacts o...
Photinus pyralis
checklist_number: 62001010027.00
A round or diamond-shaped dark spot is located in the center of the pronotum and surrounded on three sides by a pink shade (Faust, 2017). The lateral edge of the pronotum is yellow but the flange abov...............
Photuris versicolor
checklist_number: 62002019056.00
Members of this complex have a dark arrow or anchor-shaped bar in the center of the pronotum, bordered by pink and outwardly edged with yellow. The elytra are brownish and in addition to their pale ma...............
Pyractomena borealis
checklist_number: 62001014004.00
The pronotum has a black edge and a prominent central dark triangular mark, outwardly bordered by pink (Faust, 2017). The elytra are dark and very narrowly edged with pale yellow. Males have two pale...This is a forest species, inhabiting both hardwood and mixed stands (Faust, 2017). Larvae pupate in bark crevices, with large diameter tuliptrees, oaks, and hickories frequently used, with the same in......Adults dwell mainly up in the canopy but larvae and pupae can be found from 3-10' above the ground during the winter (Faust, 2017)....S3S5G5...
Pyractomena lucifera
checklist_number: 62001014010.00
The pronotum of this species has a narrow central dark bar. The pink area that borders this bar is wide on the posterior half of the pronotum but forms just a narrow edge towards the anterior. The rem...This species inhabits freshwater marshes, especially where cattails are present (Faust, 2017)...Larvae perch close to the water line on cattails, water hyacinths, and other emergent marsh plants. They can capture prey both above and below the water line. In addition to arthropods, they have been...The males can be observed producing their mating flashes as they fly just over the tops of cattails and other marsh vegetation....S2S4GU...
Phausis reticulata
Blue Ghost
checklist_number: 62001008007.00
This species is sexually dimorphic: males are normally formed beetles but females are larviform and flightless. Males are brownish gray, with a pair of pale spots on the pronotum; the elytra are unmar............S2S4G4...
Lucidota punctata
checklist_number: 62001003003.00
A very small, black firefly. The elytra are unmarked and the pronotum has a pair of small, ruby-red triangles; in L. atra, pink and yellow stripes occur, covering the entire dorsal surface of the pron...Moist, open deciduous and mixed forests (Faust, 2017)......Adults of this species are diurnal and do not flash. Like L. atra, they fly slowly and low to the ground (Faust, 2017)...As with other North Carolina insects, no state laws provide them any protection. Permits must be obtained, however, to collect them in State Parks and other nature preservesS3S4G5...
Lucidota atra
checklist_number: 62001003001.00
The elytra are completely black, unlike most night-flying fireflies, which have a yellow outer margin. The pronotum has a central black area -- sometimes covering most of the dorsal surface -- that is...This species occurs in open woodland and shaded open areas (Faust, 2017)......This species is diurnal and does not flash. It flies fairly low and is easily captured using a net (Faust, 2017)...As with other North Carolina insects, no state laws provide them any protection. Permits must be obtained, however, to collect them in State Parks and other nature preservesS4S5G5...
Ellychnia corrusca
Winter Firefly
checklist_number: 62001002006.00
The pronotum is dark centrally, bordered by pink crescents followed by an outer yellow edge. The elytra are dark and possess three to four indistinct longitudinal ridges. Fine hairs on the elytra prod...This species is associated with large hardwood trees but occurs in both closed-canopy forests and open parklands where trees may be fairly isolated....Adults feed on sap and flower nectar (Rooney and Lewis, 2000)...This species is diurnal and does not produce a flash (larvae can glow). Individuals can be found during the day by searching tree trunks....As with other North Carolina insects, no state laws provide them any protection. Permits must be obtained, however, to collect them in State Parks and other nature preservesS4S5G5...
Saperda lateralis
Red-Edged Saperda
checklist_number: 121003040007.00
......Larvae feed on dead hardwood trees and shrubs (Yanega, 1997). Lingafelter (2007) lists Hickory, Elm, Basswood, Ash, Oak, Maple, and Poison Ivy..........
Aegomorphus quadrigibbus
checklist_number: 121003003003.00
......Larvae feed on soft, decayed hardwoods (Yanega, 1997). Lingafelter (2007) lists Maple, Birch, Hickory, Chestnut, Hackberry, Redbud, Beech, Tuliptree, Oak, Elm and others.......S3S4GNR...
Eutrichillus biguttatus
checklist_number: 121003016001.00
......Larvae feed on pine branches (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......S3S4GNR...
Methia necydalea
checklist_number: 121002034001.00
......Larvae have been recorded feeding on Live Oak (Yanega, 1996) and Willow Oak (Lingafelter, 2007)..........
Metacmaeops vittata
checklist_number: 121004024001.00
......Larvae feed on Tulip Tree and Chestnut (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007). Adults visit many species of flowers, particularly Grape.........
Xylotrechus colonus
checklist_number: 121002068003.00
......Larvae feed on the bark or under it of virtually all hardwoods and pines in the East (Yanega, 1996). Hickory and Beech are especially attacked (Lingafelter, 2007)....Attracted to UV lights (Yanega, 1996)......
Tragidion coquus
checklist_number: 121002066001.00
Saperda candida
Round-headed Apple Tree Borer
checklist_number: 121003040002.00
......Larvae feed on the live wood of several species of woody plants, mainly in the Rosaceae, including Apple, Crabapple, Hawthorn, Quince (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007). .........
Clytus ruricola
checklist_number: 121002016002.00
......Larvae feed on decaying hardwoods, particularly Maple (Yanega, 1996). Lingafelter (2007) adds Birch, Hickory, Beech, Oak, Basswood, and others. Adults visit flowers..........
Typocerus zebra
Zebra Longhorn
checklist_number: 121004038010.00
......Larvae feed on pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007). Adults visit the flowers of many shrubs and herbs..........
Knulliana cincta
Banded Hickory Borer
checklist_number: 121002030001.00
......Larvae feed on the dry branches of Oak, Hickory, Willow and other hardwoods (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)..........
Sarosesthes fulminans
checklist_number: 121002058001.00
......Larvae feed primarily on Oak, Chestnut, and Walnut (Lingafelter, 2007).........
Parandra polita
checklist_number: 121005002001.00
......Larvae feed on the decaying heartwood of Hickory, Tuliptree, and Beech (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)...Adults are attracted to UV lights...S2S4[GNR]...
Cicindela ancocisconensis
Appalachian Tiger Beetle
checklist_number: 6006004047.00
One of 38 species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Pearson et al., 2015), 12 of which have been recorded in North Carolina...This species primarily inhabits shady, sandy or silty margins of mountain streams and rivers (Knisley and Schultz, 1987). Larval burrows have been found in dry sand or silt deposits located 1-5 meters...Predacious, presumably feeding primarily on a wide variety of small, riparian insects and other arthropods...Adults are well camouflaged on their wet sand and silt habitats but are quite active during the day, when their movements make them easy to spot...This species is listed as Significantly Rare by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, which gives it some value in identifying priority natural areas for conservation but does not give it any sort of legal protection. Nor is protection provided by either the Federal or State Endangered Species Acts. While all species are eligible for federal protection, the populations of this species are still considered relatively secure at the national level, and in the case of North Carolina endangered species protection, no insects even qualify for statewide protection no matter how endangered they might be within the state. This is markedly different from the case of vertebrates, molluscs, or crustaceans, all of which may receive protection from hunting, collection, or other forms of exploitation depending on their state conservation status. Individual state agencies -- such as the Division of Parks and Recreation and Wildlife Resources Commission -- can nonetheless require permits for collecting insects on lands they own or manage. The same is true for other types of nature preserves.S1S2G3SRThis is a globally uncommon species that has declined significantly in some parts of its range and appears to be continuing to decline (NatureServe Explorer, 2018). We currently know of only six recor...
Typocerus velutinus
checklist_number: 121004038009.00
......Larvae feed on various species of decaying hardwoods, including Birch, Poplar, Oak, and Hickory (Lingafelter, 2007). Adults are attracted to many species of wildflowers..........
Strangalia bicolor
checklist_number: 121004034002.00
......Larvae feed on Maples and Oaks (Lingafelter, 2007). Adults are attracted to many species of wildflowers..........
Acmaeops discoideus
checklist_number: 121004001001.00
...Our one record comes from a mixed stand of hardwoods and pines in the Piedmont....Larvae feed on Pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......SHS1GNR...
Arhopalus rusticus
checklist_number: 121001001002.00
...Our few records come from the low mountains and western Piedmont, in areas where White Pine is the most common species of conifer. However, it is not limited to feeding on that species....Larvae feed on the roots and bases of Pine species, including dead pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007). This species has become a pest in areas such as Australia and South America where it has bee......S2S3GNR...
Stenelytrana emarginata
checklist_number: 121004030001.00
...Most of our records seem to come from floodplains or the vicinity. However, we have at least one from the summit of a monadnock....Larvae feed on decaying hardwoods, with Elm, Beech, Tuliptree, Gum, Chestnut, and Maple specifically listed (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......S3S4GNR...
Necydalis mellita
checklist_number: 121004025001.00
...Our records come mainly from stands of upland hardwoods, but including possibly both mesic and dry-xeric habitats....Larvae feed on the soft, dead heartwood of Oak, Chestnut, and rarely Pine (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007).......S3S4GNR...
Brachyleptura circumdata
checklist_number: 121004008001.00
...Our records come mainly from the Mountains but include sites at lower elevations than where Spruce occurs. The habitats may primarily represent cove forests, with Hemlocks and White Pines both possibl...Larvae feed on Spruce and possibly Pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......S2S3GNR...
Bellamira scalaris
checklist_number: 121004007001.00
...Most of our records come from upland habitats....Larvae feed on decaying hardwoods and pines (Yanega, 1996). Lingafelter (2007) specifically lists g Poplar, Hickory, Willow, Maple, Tuliptree, and Birch. Adults visit flowers of various species....Comes to blacklights but adults are also active diurnally and can be found on flowers....S3S4G5...
Anthophylax hoffmanii
checklist_number: 121004005003.00
...Lingafelter (2007) describes this as a highly localized species, known from high elevation habitats in the Southern Appalachians. Our one record comes from Mt. Mitchell....Larvae probably feed on Fraser Fir and possibly Red Spruce (Lingafelter, 2007)......[SR]SHGNRThis species is known in North Carolina only from a single record dating to 1924. It appears to be a narrowly distributed species occurring in high elevation conifer forests of the Southern Appalachia...
Anthophylax cyaneus
checklist_number: 121004005002.00
...Our one record comes from along the Blue Ridge Parkway, with cove forests the likely habitat....Larvae feed on various hardwood (Yanega, 1996). Lingafelter (2007) specifically lists Maple, Birch, Serviceberry, Chestnut, and Beech; some conifers may also be used and Acer spicatum may be a preferr......S1S2G5...
Anthophylax attenuatus
checklist_number: 121004005001.00
...Our one records from a known site comes from a stand of high-elevation hardwood forest....Larvae feed on moist decaying hardwoods, including Maple, Beech, Hop-hornbeam, and Poplar (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007).......S1S2G5This is a primarily northern species whose populations in the North Carolina mountains may represent Pleistocene relicts....
Analeptura lineola
checklist_number: 121004003001.00
...This species may be primarily associated with wet-mesic stands of hardwoods but not enough information exists on the habitats where this species has been collected in the state....Larvae feed on various hardwoods, including Birch, Ironwood, Hop-hornbeam, and Pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007). Adults visit many species of flowers.......S4S5G5...
Ecyrus dasycerus
checklist_number: 121003014001.00
...Our records appear to come mainly from upland habitats, including Dry-xeric Maritime Forests, Monadnock Forests, and other stands of upland oak-hickory forests. ...Larvae feed on a wide range of tree species, especially Oaks and Hackberries (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......S3S4GNR...
Saperda tridentata
checklist_number: 121003040012.00
...Habitat information is largely missing from the available records from North Carolina. One semi-naturally wooded residential area in the Piedmont has two records, with Ulmus alata probably the closest...Larvae feed on dead and dying Elms (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007)......S3S4G5...
Aegomorphus modestus
checklist_number: 121003003001.00
...Our records come from a wide range of habitats, from low mountains and monadnocks (e.g., Pilot Mountain) to Coastal Plain lowland forests and woodlands (e.g., Lake Waccamaw State Park). Semi-natural, ...Larvae feed on a broad range of soft decaying hardwoods and pines (Yanega, 1996). The following trees are specifically mentioned by Lingafelter (2007): Birch, Hickory, Chestnut, Beech, Ash, and Pinus.......S4S5G5...
Graphisurus despectus
checklist_number: 121003018001.00
Head and body gray or light reddish brown with a coating of suberect hairs on the elytra (Lingafelter, 2007). Less mottled than Graphisurus fasciatus and lacks the large patches of black found ......Polyphagous on hardwood trees, with a preference for Hickories (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007).........
Graphisurus fasciatus
checklist_number: 121003018002.00
......Larvae are polyphagous on hardwood trees, including oaks; also on Pines (Yanega, 1996; Lingafelter, 2007).........