Beetles of North Carolina
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View CARABIDAE Members:
Members of Tetracha:
39 NC Records

Tetracha virginica - Virginia Metallic Tiger Beetle, Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle

Compare with: Carolina Metallic Tiger Beetle, Pan-American Big-headed Tiger Beetle  
Identification Tips: Move the cursor over the image, or tap the image if using a mobile device, to reveal ID Tips.
Note: ID Tips follow Pearson et al., 2015
Photo: T. DeSantis
Family: CARABIDAE Subfamily: CicindelinaeSubgenus: Tetracha                                                             
Comments: One of 110 species in this genus that occur in the New World and one of only two species that have been recorded in North Carolina (Pearson et al., 2015). Members of this genus were previously included in Megacephala, which contained both New World and Old World species. The genus was split by Naviaux in 2007, with the New World species now treated as Tetracha (Pearson et al., 2015).
Species Status: No subspecies have been described (Pearson et al., 2015)
Field Guide Descriptions: Evans (2014)Online Resources: BugGuide, Google, Wikipedia, GBIFiNaturalistTechnical Description, Adults/Nymphs: Knisley and Schultz (1997); Pearson et al. (2015)                                                              
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥
 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) <
 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: This species occurs in grassy areas as well as along shorelines and other wet, open areas. Our records -- where habitat was identified -- come mainly from low-lying areas but we have also seen them in upland habitats well away from water.
Diet: Predacious, but any preference for certain types of insects is unknown for either larvae or adults
Observation Methods: This species is nocturnal and can be spotted along roads and other open areas using flashlights. Occasionally comes to lights.
Abundance/Frequency: Appears to be somewhat common
Adult Phenology:
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: G5 [S4S5]
State Protection: As with other North Carolina insects, no state laws provide them any protection. Permits must be obtained, however, to collect them in State Parks and other nature preserves
Comments: Although not often seen due to their nocturnal activity period, this species appears to be widespread and occurs regularly within its broad range of habitat types. Consequently, it seems secure within the state.

Photo Gallery for Tetracha virginica - Virginia Metallic Tiger Beetle, Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle

Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: R. Newman
Carteret Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Max Ramey
Dare Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Scott Bolick
Guilford Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Scott Bolick
Guilford Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Scott Bolick
Guilford Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Jeff Beane
Moore Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Jeff Beane
Moore Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Hunter Phillips
Onslow Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: B. Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: B. Bockhahn, P. Scharf
Rockingham Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: T. DeSantis
Camden Co.
Tetracha virginicaRecorded by: Steve Hall
Orange Co.