Beetles of North Carolina
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9 NC Records

Pyractomena borealis - No Common Name

Photo by: L. Amos

Photo by: Mark Basinger

Photo by: Mark Basinger
Family: LAMPYRIDAE Subfamily: Lampyrinae                                                             
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Resources: BugGuide, Google, Wikipedia, GBIFiNaturalist                                                              
Comments: The pronotum has a black edge and a prominent central dark triangular mark, outwardly bordered by pink (Faust, 2017). The elytra are dark and very narrowly edged with pale yellow. Males have two pale lanterns and the sides of the last abdominal segment (posterior to the lanterns) has two pale patches. The males produce a warm yellow flash, lasting about a quarter second and given at 2-3 second intervals at 60-69 F (Faust, 2017). Double flashes are also occasionally produced.
Total Length [body plus wings; excludes ovipositor]: 14-22 mm (Faust, 2017)
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥
 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) <
 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: This is a forest species, inhabiting both hardwood and mixed stands (Faust, 2017). Larvae pupate in bark crevices, with large diameter tuliptrees, oaks, and hickories frequently used, with the same individual trees regularly used year after year.
Observation Methods: Adults dwell mainly up in the canopy but larvae and pupae can be found from 3-10' above the ground during the winter (Faust, 2017).
Adult Phenology:
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: G5 S3S5
State Protection:

Photo Gallery for Pyractomena borealis

Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik
Chatham Co.
Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: Mark Basinger
Wilson Co.
Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: Mark Basinger
Wilson Co.
Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: L. Amos
Warren Co.
Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: Newman, Randy
Carteret Co.
Pyractomena borealisRecorded by: Newman, Randy
Carteret Co.