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12 records for Publilia concava Avery County

View all species for Avery County
Publilia concava150672024-09-15 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Publilia concava150672024-05-22 1AdultPisgah National Forest, Banner Elkday04_iNaturalist
Publilia concava150672023-06-17 B. Bockhahn1AdultGrandfather MountainGRMODay01_Photo

Publilia concava150672023-06-02Ted Wilcox1AdultBlue Ridge Parkway - Mountain to Sea TrailDay01_Photo

Publilia concava150672022-09-09 1AdultBanner Elkday04_iNaturalist
Publilia concava150672015-06-19Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf3grassy, brushy habitat and forest edge/interiorSugar Mountain BogSUMOfound during the day, caught while sweepingsolidago02_Sight
Publilia concava150672014-06-10Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharfxbrushy, vegetated section of the trail in an opening in the forestYellow Mountain State Natural Area, on the trailYEMOfound during the day?02_Sight
Publilia concava150672014-06-09Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf1grassy and brushy vegetation surrounded by forestSugar Mountain Bog State Natural AreaSUMOfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting02_Sight
Publilia concava150672014-06-09Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharfxgrassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forestPineola Bog State Natural AreaPIBOfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting02_Sight
Publilia concava150672014-05-14Paul Scharf, Brian BockhahanSeveralMale, Caught sweepingBlue Ridge Mountains Highway1440 PM01_Photo
Male, Caught sweeping

Male, Caught sweeping
Publilia concava150672014-05-14Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn SeveralFemale, Caught sweepingBlue Ridge Mountains Highway1400 PM01_Photo
Female, Caught sweeping

Female, Caught sweeping
Publilia concava150670000-00-00010_NC_Checklist