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4 records for Oncopsis minor Avery County | View all species for Avery County | ||||||||||||
sciName | comName | id | date | observer | number | life_stage | comments | location | park | time_of_day | plant | obsType | photo_link |
Oncopsis minor | 15359 | 2015-06-19 | Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf | 2 | grassy, brushy habitat and forest edge/interior | Sugar Mountain Bog | SUMO | found during the day, caught while sweeping | 02_Sight | ||||
Oncopsis minor | 15359 | 2015-06-18 | Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf | 3 | open area near mixed hardwood forest | Yellow Mountain cabin | YEMO | found at night, attracted with a light | 01_Photo | open area near mixed hardwood forest | |||
Oncopsis minor | 15359 | 2015-06-17 | Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf | 2 | open area near mixed hardwood forest | Yellow Mountain cabin | YEMO | found at night, attracted with a light | 02_Sight | ||||
Oncopsis minor | 15359 | 2014-06-09 | Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf | 1 | grassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forest; tentative id, could be an unknown species; female | Pineola Bog State Natural Area | PIBO | found during the day, caught while sweepnetting | 01_Photo | grassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forest; hind leg appears to have around 7 spines grassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forest grassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forest; tentative id, could be an unknown species grassy and vegetated, shrubby habitat surrounded by forest; tentative id, could be an unknown species; female |