2 records for Heliria gemma Buncombe County | View all species for Buncombe County |
sciName | comName | id | date | observer | number | life_stage | comments | location | park | time_of_day | plant | obsType | photo_link |
Heliria gemma | | 15309 | 2021-09-14 | tom ward | 1 | Adult | | Jim's Branch Road, Swannanoa | | 11:15p, was by 14W compact CFL & near 20W florescent black light | back yard nestled in rich cove forest. | 01_Photo |
Heliria gemma | | 15309 | 2020-07-25 | Davy Appleseed | 1 | Adult | originally posted to iNaturalist, ID determined by M. Wallace | Ebby Ridge, Fairview | | day | | 01_Photo | originally posted to iNaturalist, ID determined by M. Wallace