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Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Erythridula fumida Buncombe County

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Erythridula fumida184662024-04-15 tom ward2Adultanother E. fumida as requestedJims Branch Road1a, they came to UV light01_Photo
another E. fumida as requested

another E. fumida as requested
Erythridula fumida184662024-03-14 tom ward2AdultE. fumida requested, i went ahead & included both on same date as all on same evening. there were several around at the same time that looked similar, but hard to tell since i didn't photograph them all. i think these are 2 different individuals though photos not taken at the same time?Jim's Branch Roadnight, UV light01_Photo
E. fumida requested, i went ahead & included both on same date as all on same evening. there were several around at the same time that looked similar, but hard to tell since i didn't photograph them all. i think these are 2 different individuals though photos not taken at the same time?

E. fumida requested, i went ahead & included both on same date as all on same evening. there were several around at the same time that looked similar, but hard to tell since i didn\'t photograph them all. i think these are 2 different individuals though photos not taken at the same time?

E. fumida requested, i went ahead & included both on same date as all on same evening. there were several around at the same time that looked similar, but hard to tell since i didn\'t photograph them all. i think these are 2 different individuals though photos not taken at the same time?

E. fumida requested, i went ahead & included both on same date as all on same evening. there were several around at the same time that looked similar, but hard to tell since i didn\'t photograph them all. i think these are 2 different individuals though photos not taken at the same time?
Erythridula fumida184662023-08-23 tom ward1Adultposting the E. fumida observation as requestedJims Branch Road3a, came to black lightold homestead nestled in rich cove forest01_Photo
posting the E. fumida observation as requested

posting the E. fumida observation as requested