Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Spartidelphax penedetectus Carteret County

View all species for Carteret County
Spartidelphax penedetectus160142020-09-02Bo Sullivan16AdultNorth River Farmday01_Photo

Spartidelphax penedetectus160142017-04-18Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahnxmacropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina; macropter is 4.2 mmFort Macon SPFOMAday, sweepnetting01_Photo
macropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina

macropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina

macropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina

macropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina

macropters and brachypters; plentiful on Spartina
Spartidelphax penedetectus160141975-08-19University of Delaware1near Atlantic drum inlet11_Collection