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2 records for Ophiderma pubescens Chatham County

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Ophiderma pubescens153192023-04-28 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Ophiderma pubescens153192018-05-15 Julie Tuttle1AdultThis site is low-density residential in a dry, rocky hilltop oak-hickory forest dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) in the tree canopy.311 Boothe Hill Road, Chatham, NC 27517Photos taken around 9:42 pm. Observation was made at black/UV light (I use both black-light bulbs and a columnar UV light in the same area on outside of house; this observation was made on wood paneling on outside of house rather than on the sheet, so that indicates that it was observed closer to the black-light bulbs than the columnar UV light -- if that helps/matters). 01_Photo
This site is low-density residential in a dry, rocky hilltop oak-hickory forest dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) in the tree canopy.

This site is low-density residential in a dry, rocky hilltop oak-hickory forest dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) in the tree canopy.

This site is low-density residential in a dry, rocky hilltop oak-hickory forest dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) in the tree canopy.