Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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1 record for Megamelus palaetus Cumberland County

View all species for Cumberland County
Megamelus palaetus144592023-07-22 Michael P. Morales1AdultObserved on the wall of our Nature Center during a Moth Night event. Mixed deciduous floodplain forest next to a ravine and waterfall.J. Bayard Clark Park & Nature Centerrn631 Sherman Dr.rnFayetteville, NC 28301Jul 22, 2023, 10:02 PMrnincandescent light on a white sheet01_Photo
Observed on the wall of our Nature Center during a Moth Night event. Mixed deciduous floodplain forest next to a ravine and waterfall.

Observed on the wall of our Nature Center during a Moth Night event. Mixed deciduous floodplain forest next to a ravine and waterfall.