Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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12 records for Orientus ishidae Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082024-11-18 Ken Kneidel5Adult6.1 mm, about 5 collected while beating Sweet GumRandolph Middle School, CharlotteSweet Gum, Liquidambar styraciflua01_Photo
6.1 mm, about 5 collected while beating Sweet Gum

6.1 mm, about 5 collected while beating Sweet Gum
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082024-06-18 1AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082023-06-25 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082022-09-17 Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV/CFL light combo at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlottenight01_Photo
came to UV/CFL light combo at night

came to UV/CFL light combo at night

came to UV/CFL light combo at night
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082021-09-18Ken Kneidel1Adult5 mm, caught in a sweep of weedy vegetation in a detention basinRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
5 mm, caught in a sweep of weedy vegetation in a detention basin

5 mm, caught in a sweep of weedy vegetation in a detention basin
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082021-05-31 1ImmatureCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082021-05-26 2AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082020-06-06Ken Kneidel1Adult4.9 mm male, wooded residential424 Bertonley AveCFL porch light at night01_Photo
4.9 mm male, wooded residential - unid_leafhopper

4.9 mm male, wooded residential - unid_leafhopper

4.9 mm male, wooded residential - unid_leafhopper
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082019-06-04Ken Kneidel1Adult6 mm female, forest and beaver dam edgeKelyn Hills Dr, Charlottecame to UV LED combo at night01_Photo
6 mm female, forest and beaver dam edge

6 mm female, forest and beaver dam edge

6 mm female, forest and beaver dam edge
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082019-05-29Ken Kneidel1Adult424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo

Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132082017-08-09 Rob Van EppsoneAttracted to porch light.Yard01_Photo
Attracted to porch light.
Orientus ishidaeJapanese Leafhopper132081974-09-10University of Delaware1?11_Collection