Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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7 records for Scaphytopius acutus Mecklenburg County

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Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042023-07-31 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond. Antiquity Greenway01_Photo
Caught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond.

Caught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond.

Caught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond.
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042023-07-13 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping.Davidson College Ecological Preserve01_Photo
Caught sweeping.
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042021-06-11 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042020-08-01 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042020-07-09 1AdultHuntersvillenight04_iNaturalist
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042019-07-07Rob Van Epps1AdultWeedy/brushy woodland edge. Abersham Park01_Photo
Weedy/brushy woodland edge.

Weedy/brushy woodland edge.
Scaphytopius acutusSharp-nosed Leafhopper138042017-11-30 Ken Kneidel14.5mm, captured during sweep of vegetation surrounding wet retention areaRandolph Middle School, 4400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottemid-afternoon 01_Photo
4.5mm, captured during sweep of vegetation surrounding wet retention area

4.5mm, captured during sweep of vegetation surrounding wet retention area

4.5mm, captured during sweep of vegetation surrounding wet retention area