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3 records for Chlorotettix viridius Mecklenburg County

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Chlorotettix viridius140952024-10-28 Rob Van Epps1AdultApproximately 6.2mm. Caught sweeping in weedy field.Caldwell Station Creek Greenway01_Photo
Approximately 6.2mm. Caught sweeping in weedy field.

Approximately 6.2mm. Caught sweeping in weedy field.
Chlorotettix viridius140952023-07-17 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in weedy field.Davidson01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field.

Caught sweeping in weedy field.
Chlorotettix viridius140952019-09-28Ken Kneidel1Adult6 mm female, sweep through extensive area of weedy vegetationChantilly Park, CharlotteNCMAmid day01_Photo
6 mm female, sweep through extensive area of weedy vegetation

6 mm female, sweep through extensive area of weedy vegetation

6 mm female, sweep through extensive area of weedy vegetation