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9 records for Polyamia weedi Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Polyamia weedi143222024-10-29 Rob Van EppsmanyAdultCaught sweeping in weedy field.Antiquity Greenway01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field.

Caught sweeping in weedy field.
Polyamia weedi143222024-07-02 Rob Van EppsseveralAdultPlum Creek Greenway01_Photo

Polyamia weedi143222023-08-12 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in weedy field. Abersham Park01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field.

Caught sweeping in weedy field.
Polyamia weedi143222023-07-28 Rob Van EppsseveralAdultWest Branch Rocky River Greenway01_Photo

Polyamia weedi143222022-11-01Rob Van Epps1AdultGrassy field.Abersham Parkday02_Sight
Polyamia weedi143222019-10-14Ken Kneidel1Adult3.1 mm male, sweep of wide grassy path in forested area, mostly Japanese stiltgrass and Small CarpetgrassSherman Branch Biking Park, Charlotteearly afternoon01_Photo
3.1 mm male, sweep of wide grassy path in forested area, mostly Japanese stiltgrass and Small Carpetgrass

3.1 mm male, sweep of wide grassy path in forested area, mostly Japanese stiltgrass and Small Carpetgrass
Polyamia weedi143222018-09-17Ken Kneidel1male, 3 mm424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotteblack light at night01_Photo
male, 3 mm

male, 3 mm
Polyamia weedi143222018-08-17 1Charlotte04_iNaturalist
Polyamia weedi143222017-08-26Rob Van EppsWeedy area near a hardwoods. Fisher Farm Park01_Photo
Weedy area near a hardwoods.