Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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16 records for Agallia constricta Mecklenburg County

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Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272024-09-05 Ken Kneidel1Adult3.8 mm male, came to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
3.8 mm male, came to UV light at night

3.8 mm male, came to UV light at night

3.8 mm male, came to UV light at night

3.8 mm male, came to UV light at night
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272024-09-05 Ken Kneidel1Adult3.5 mm, from sweeping an athletic fieldRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
3.5 mm, from sweeping an athletic field

3.5 mm, from sweeping an athletic field
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272024-07-16 Ken Kneidel1Adultcaught while sweeping white clover, 3.5 mmRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
caught while sweeping white clover, 3.5 mm

caught while sweeping white clover, 3.5 mm
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272024-02-13 Ken Kneidel1Adultmale from late afternoon sweep of an athletic field and weedy margin, length 3.1 mm, width from dorsal view 1.1 mmRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
male from late afternoon sweep of an athletic field and weedy margin, length 3.1 mm, width from dorsal view 1.1 mm

male from late afternoon sweep of an athletic field and weedy margin, length 3.1 mm, width from dorsal view 1.1 mm

male from late afternoon sweep of an athletic field and weedy margin, length 3.1 mm, width from dorsal view 1.1 mm

male from late afternoon sweep of an athletic field and weedy margin, length 3.1 mm, width from dorsal view 1.1 mm
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272023-08-24 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272023-07-31 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272023-07-22 Ken Kneidel1AdultCaught in a sweep through a recently mowed wet retention basin. Randolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
Caught in a sweep through a recently mowed wet retention basin.
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272023-07-12 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272023-03-26 Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV CFL light combo at night, 3.6 mm424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
came to UV CFL light combo at night, 3.6 mm

came to UV CFL light combo at night, 3.6 mm

came to UV CFL light combo at night, 3.6 mm
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272022-06-01 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272021-06-15 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272020-08-10Ken Kneidel43.8 mm, came to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
3.8 mm, came to UV light at night
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272020-07-17 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272018-06-26Ken Kneidel23.7 mm424 Bertonley Avenue, Charlotte10 amgarden lettuce01_Photo
3.7 mm

3.7 mm
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272017-07-28 Rob Van EppsseveralWeedy area near hardwood forest edge.West Branch Rocky River Greenway01_Photo
Weedy area near hardwood forest edge.
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272016-06-25 1Huntersville04_iNaturalist