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10 records for Homalodisca insolita Mecklenburg County

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Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312024-08-25 1AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312024-08-17 1AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312023-09-13 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312023-07-31 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond. Antiquity Greenway01_Photo
Caught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond.
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312020-06-28Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in weedy field near woods. Davidson, NC01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field near woods.
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312020-05-14 1AdultUNC Charlotteday04_iNaturalist
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312019-10-14Ken Kneidel1Immaturesweep of a grassy area within forestSherman Branch Biking Park, Charlottearound noon01_Photo
sweep of a grassy area within forest

sweep of a grassy area within forest
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312019-07-02Ken Kneidel1Adultsweep through low vegetationRandolph Middle School, 2400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottemid afternoon01_Photo
sweep through low vegetation

sweep through low vegetation
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312018-07-21 1https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/15964996Davidson04_iNaturalist
Homalodisca insolitaJohnsongrass Sharpshooter143312017-08-20Rob Van EppsWeedy area near a few trees.Wallace Farm01_Photo
Weedy area near a few trees.