Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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11 records for Sophonia orientalis Mecklenburg County

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Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442024-11-08 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442024-11-04 Rob Van Epps1AdultFound on Pecan (Carya illinoinensis).Legion Park, Cornelius NC01_Photo
Found on Pecan (Carya illinoinensis).

Found on Pecan (Carya illinoinensis).
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442024-07-07 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442023-08-28 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area. Davidson - Lake Davidson area01_Photo
Caught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area.

Caught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area.
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442023-06-24 Ken Kneidel1Adultstuck on a tree band on Willow OakLatrobe Drive, CharlotteQuercus phellos01_Photo
stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442022-10-14 Ken Kneidel1Adultencountered while beating low vegetationRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
encountered while beating low vegetation
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442022-07-08Rob Van Epps1AdultDavidson01_Photo

Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442022-01-12Ken Kneidel1Adultstuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band erected between mid-December and 1/12/22LaTrobe Drive, Charlotte01_Photo
stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band erected between mid-December and 1/12/22
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442020-12-31Ken Kneidel8AdultStuck in Tanglefoot in a tree band on Willow Oak. I've seen several as I begin monitoring trees this winter, averaging roughly 1 individual for every 3 trees.LaTrobe Drive, CharlotteWillow Oak01_Photo
Stuck in Tanglefoot in a tree band on Willow Oak. I've seen several as I begin monitoring trees this winter, averaging roughly 1 individual for every 3 trees.
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442017-12-06Ken Kneidel1ImmatureUnderside of Magnolia leaf; an adult was on another.Evergreen Nature ReserveMagnolia01_Photo
Underside of Magnolia leaf; an adult was on another.
Sophonia orientalisTwo-spotted Leafhopper143442017-11-30 Ken Kneidel14.8 mm, sweep of vegetation around wet retention areaRandolph Middle School, 4400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottemid-afternoon01_Photo
4.8 mm, sweep of vegetation around wet retention area