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8 records for Rugosana querci Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Rugosana querci143552024-06-16 1ImmatureCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Rugosana querci143552023-09-16 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Rugosana querci143552023-08-02 1ImmatureCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Rugosana querci143552023-05-24 Ken Kneidel1Immaturedead, stuck in goo on a tree band on Willow OakLatrobe Drive, Charlotte01_Photo
dead, stuck in goo on a tree band on Willow Oak
Rugosana querci143552021-10-24Ken Kneidel1Adult10 mm, caught in sweep of weedy vegetation around a retention basinRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
10 mm, caught in sweep of weedy vegetation around a retention basin

10 mm, caught in sweep of weedy vegetation around a retention basin

10 mm, caught in sweep of weedy vegetation around a retention basin
Rugosana querci143552021-01-04Ken Kneidel1AdultStuck on a tree band on oak along a major road at the margin of forested area. 10 mm femaleOlde Whitehall, Charlotteoak01_Photo
Stuck on a tree band on oak along a major road at the margin of forested area. 10 mm female

Stuck on a tree band on oak along a major road at the margin of forested area. 10 mm female
Rugosana querci143552020-04-21Ken Kneidel1Adultfemale, 8.9 mm; photographed by K. KittelbergerColville Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
female, 8.9 mm; photographed by K. Kittelberger

female, 8.9 mm; photographed by K. Kittelberger

female, 8.9 mm; photographed by K. Kittelberger
Rugosana querci143552018-11-02Ken Kneidel1Adultcollected from spider web 424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
collected from spider web

collected from spider web