Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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12 records for Scolops sulcipes Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642024-07-06 1AdultCharlottenight04_iNaturalist
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642024-07-02 Rob Van Epps1AdultPlum Creek Greenway01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642024-06-15 Ken Kneidel1Immatureon lower leaf surface424 Bertonley Ave, CharlotteHelianthus annuus01_Photo
on lower leaf surface
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642024-06-10 Ken Kneidel1Adult424 Bertonley Ave, CharlotteSolidago01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642023-08-25 Rob Van Epps2AdultCaught sweeping in a field. Westmoreland Athletic Park - Cornelius, NC01_Photo
Caught sweeping in a field.

Caught sweeping in a field.
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642023-08-04 Ken Kneidel1Adult424 Bertonley Ave, CharlotteSolidago01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642023-07-20 Rob Van EppsseveralAdultSouth Prong Rocky River Greenway01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642022-07-01 1AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642022-06-29Rob Van Epps2AdultPlum Creek Greenway01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642021-07-12 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642020-07-25Ken Kneidel1AdultRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo

Scolops sulcipesPartridge Bug145642019-07-04Ken Kneidel1Adult424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo