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9 records for Draeculacephala balli Mecklenburg County

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Draeculacephala balli145762024-07-17 Ken Kneidel1Adult4.9 mm maleRandolph Middle School, Charlottecaught while sweeping white clover01_Photo
4.9 mm male

4.9 mm male

4.9 mm male
Draeculacephala balli145762023-08-04 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Draeculacephala balli145762023-08-01 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Draeculacephala balli145762022-01-12Ken Kneidel1Adult5.9 mm, stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band, active between mid December when the band was put up and January 12LaTrobe Drive, Charlotte01_Photo
5.9 mm, stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band, active between mid December when the band was put up and January 12
Draeculacephala balli145762021-09-15Rob Van EppsseveralAdultGrassy area near pond.Davidson01_Photo
Grassy area near pond.
Draeculacephala balli145762021-08-04Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV light and sheet at nightDavid B Waymer Flying Fields, Huntersville01_Photo
came to UV light and sheet at night
Draeculacephala balli145762020-07-18 1AdultHuntersvillenight04_iNaturalist
Draeculacephala balli145762020-07-11 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Draeculacephala balli145762019-06-04Ken Kneidel1Adult5.7 mm, forest and beaver dam edgeKelyn Hills Drive, Charlottecame to UV LED light combo at night01_Photo
5.7 mm, forest and beaver dam edge

5.7 mm, forest and beaver dam edge