Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Scaphoideus immistus Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Scaphoideus immistus160842021-08-04Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV light at nightDavid B Waymer Flying Field, Huntersville01_Photo
came to UV light at night

came to UV light at night

came to UV light at night
Scaphoideus immistus160842020-07-12Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in weedy field near woods.Fisher Farm Park01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field near woods.

Caught sweeping in weedy field near woods.
Scaphoideus immistus160842019-06-19 1Adulthttps://www.inaturalist.org/observations/27543383Davidson04_iNaturalist