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2 records for Flexamia sandersi Mecklenburg County

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Flexamia sandersi162532023-08-04 1Adulthttps://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176790533?night04_iNaturalist
Flexamia sandersi162532021-09-04Ken Kneidel1Adult4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic fieldRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field

4.1 mm, taken during a sweep of weedy vegetation, mostly asters, along the margin of a detention basin in the middle of a school athletic field