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9 records for Graphocephala hieroglyphica Mecklenburg County

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Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912024-10-29 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping. Antiquity Greenway01_Photo
Caught sweeping.
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912019-07-02Rob Van Epps1Dark form. Aka Neokolla dolobrata on BugGuide and inatuaralist. Caught sweeping in grassy field. Fisher Farm Park01_Photo
Dark form. Aka Neokolla dolobrata on BugGuide and inatuaralist. Caught sweeping in grassy field.

Dark form. Aka Neokolla dolobrata on BugGuide and inatuaralist. Caught sweeping in grassy field.

Dark form. Aka Neokolla dolobrata on BugGuide and inatuaralist. Caught sweeping in grassy field.
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912019-06-28Ken Kneidel1Adult5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic fieldRandolph Middle School, 2400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottern35.182773 -80.79503318:0001_Photo
5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field

5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field

5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field

5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field; photo by K. Kittelberger

5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field; photo by K. Kittelberger

5.6 mm male, collected during a sweep through low vegetation in a wet retention area / depression in the middle of a school athletic field; photo by K. Kittelberger
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912018-10-29Ken Kneidel1Immature4.5 mm, weedy vegetation Randolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlottelate afternoon01_Photo
4.5 mm, weedy vegetation
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912017-11-03 Ken Kneidel15.2mm; nymphHarrisburg Rd Sports Complexmid-afternoon 01_Photo

Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912017-11-03 Ken Kneidel16.1 mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation; identified by C. Dietrich via specimen as Graphocephala sp. probably hieroglyphica (Say) [female...]; white background pics taken by K. KittelbergerHarrisburg Road Sports Complexmid afternoon 01_Photo
5.6mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation

5.6mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation

6.1 mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation; identified by C. Dietrich via specimen as Graphocephala sp. probably hieroglyphica (Say) [female...]; white background pics taken by K. Kittelberger

6.1 mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation; identified by C. Dietrich via specimen as Graphocephala sp. probably hieroglyphica (Say) [female...]; white background pics taken by K. Kittelberger

6.1 mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation; identified by C. Dietrich via specimen as Graphocephala sp. probably hieroglyphica (Say) [female...]; white background pics taken by K. Kittelberger

6.1 mm, collected during sweep in a permanently wet depression with diverse vegetation; identified by C. Dietrich via specimen as Graphocephala sp. probably hieroglyphica (Say) [female...]; white background pics taken by K. Kittelberger
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912017-08-20Rob Van EppsWeedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping. Pale form.Wallace Farm01_Photo
Weedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping. Pale form.

Weedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping. Pale form.
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912017-08-20Rob Van EppsWeedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping. Wallace Farm01_Photo
Weedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping.
Graphocephala hieroglyphica163912017-08-13Rob Van EppsWeedy/grassy open area. Pale form.Wallace Farm01_Photo
Weedy/grassy open area. Pale form.

Weedy/grassy open area. Pale form.

Weedy/grassy open area. Pale form.