Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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5 records for Balclutha unidentified species Mecklenburg County

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Balclutha unidentified species165892023-10-30 Ken Kneidel1Adult3.7 mm, came to porch light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
3.7 mm, came to porch light at night

3.7 mm, came to porch light at night

3.7 mm, came to porch light at night
Balclutha unidentified species165892022-08-14 Ken Kneidel1Adult3.6 mm, came to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
3.6 mm, came to UV light at night

3.6 mm, came to UV light at night

3.6 mm, came to UV light at night

3.6 mm, came to UV light at night
Balclutha unidentified species165892021-09-18Ken Kneidel1Adult4.3 mm, came to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
4.3 mm, came to UV light at night

4.3 mm, came to UV light at night

4.3 mm, came to UV light at night

4.3 mm, came to UV light at night

4.3 mm, came to UV light at night
Balclutha unidentified species165892019-10-06Rob Van Epps3Attracted to UV light. Yard near woods.Night01_Photo
Attracted to UV light.

Attracted to UV light.

Attracted to UV light.
Balclutha unidentified species165892017-10-07 Ken Kneidel1This hopper is just 3.6mm long; female424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotteattracted to black light at night 01_Photo
This hopper is just 3.6mm long, ruling out many in the genus Chlorotettix, which the gallery led me to. I have more photos. - unid_leafhopper

This hopper is just 3.6mm long, ruling out many in the genus Chlorotettix, which the gallery led me to. I have more photos. - unid_leafhopper

This hopper is just 3.6mm long, ruling out many in the genus Chlorotettix, which the gallery led me to. I have more photos. - unid_leafhopper

This hopper is just 3.6mm long; female