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2 records for Scaphytopius unidentified species Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Scaphytopius unidentified species166732024-05-29 Ken Kneidel1Immaturemixed woodsRibbonwalk Nature Preserve, Charlotte1:10 pmOn the underside of a Virginia Creeper leaf, Parthenocissus quinquefolia.01_Photo
mixed woods
Scaphytopius unidentified species166732022-10-15 Ken Kneidel1Immature4.9 mm, caught while beating low hanging vegetationRandolph Middle School, Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
4.9 mm, caught while beating low hanging vegetation

4.9 mm, caught while beating low hanging vegetation

4.9 mm, caught while beating low hanging vegetation