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13 records for Stirellus bicolor Mecklenburg County

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Stirellus bicolor99812024-07-24 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Stirellus bicolor99812024-07-16 Rob Van EppsseveralAdultCaught sweeping in grassy field. Davidson College01_Photo
Caught sweeping in grassy field.

Caught sweeping in grassy field.
Stirellus bicolor99812024-06-27 1AdultCharlottenight04_iNaturalist
Stirellus bicolor99812024-06-27 1AdultReedy Creek Nature Centernight04_iNaturalist
Stirellus bicolor99812023-07-17 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in weedy field.Davidson01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field.
Stirellus bicolor99812021-06-29 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Stirellus bicolor99812020-07-12Rob Van EppsxAdultCaught sweeping in weedy field near woods.Fisher Farm Park01_Photo
Caught sweeping in weedy field near woods.
Stirellus bicolor99812019-11-22Ken Kneidel1Adultsweep of low vegetation424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
sweep of low vegetation

sweep of low vegetation

sweep of low vegetation
Stirellus bicolor99812019-07-05Ken Kneidel1AdultChantilly Ecological Park, Charlotte01_Photo

Stirellus bicolor99812019-06-25Rob Van Epps1AdultDark "southern" form. Caught sweeping. Grassy, weedy area near hardwoods. Abersham Park in Davidson,NC01_Photo
Dark "southern" form. Caught sweeping. Grassy, weedy area near hardwoods.
Stirellus bicolor99812017-12-19Ken Kneidelx3mmRural Hill Nature Preserve, Huntersville, NC2:30 pmin grassy field01_Photo

Stirellus bicolor99812017-11-24 Ken Kneidel13 mm, caught during vegetation sweep around wet retention areaRandolph Middle School, 4400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottemid-afternoon 01_Photo
3 mm, caught during vegetation sweep around wet retention area

3 mm, caught during vegetation sweep around wet retention area
Stirellus bicolor99812017-08-20Rob Van EppsWeedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping. Wallace Farm01_Photo
Weedy/grassy open area. Caught sweeping.