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1 record for Enchenopa on-carya Moore County

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Enchenopa on-caryaUndescribed Enchenopa on Hickory185142023-06-03 Alicia G Jackson4Adult4 individuals seen on hickory in wooded yard. Present from at least 2-10 June 2023. Other potential host spp listed occur in this area, other than Liriodendron on the opposite side of the house. Viburnum prunifolium within ~70 ft. Bethesda Rd., AberdeenEarly eveningCarya tomentosa01_Photo
4 individuals seen on hickory in wooded yard. Present from at least 2-10 June 2023. Other potential host spp listed don’t occur in this area, other than Liriodendron on the opposite side of the house. Viburnum prunifolium within ~70 ft.

4 individuals seen on hickory in wooded yard. Present from at least 2-10 June 2023. Other potential host spp listed don’t occur in this area, other than Liriodendron on the opposite side of the house. Viburnum prunifolium within ~70 ft.