Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Ossiannilssonola australis Orange County

View all species for Orange County
Ossiannilssonola australis130972021-09-27Lior Carlson1AdultHwy 70A East, Hillsborough, NCNight: 40 watt UV and 160 watt MV01_Photo

Ossiannilssonola australis130972021-09-18Lior Carlson1AdultHillsborough, NCNight; 40 watt UV and 160 watt MV01_Photo

Ossiannilssonola australis130972018-10-05 Randy Emmitt3UV lightmixed hardwood forest5:45 am01_Photo
UV light