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10 records for Eutettix luridus Orange County

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Eutettix luridus143362023-07-22 1AdultHillsboroughnight04_iNaturalist
Eutettix luridus143362022-09-26John Petranka2AdultAttracted to black light sheet.At residence in Falls of New Hope neighborhood.9:38 pm01_Photo
Attracted to black light sheet.
Eutettix luridus143362021-12-29John Petranka2AdultResidence in Falls of New Hope neighborhood10:00 pm Attracted to white led light01_Photo

Eutettix luridus143362021-10-09John Petranka1AdultAttracted to entrance light.Falls of New Hope neighborhood, near intersection of Falls and Cascade Drives.8:35 pm01_Photo
Attracted to entrance light.

Attracted to entrance light.

Attracted to entrance light.
Eutettix luridus143362021-09-28Lior Carlson1AdultHwy 70A East, HillsboroughNight: 40 watt UV; 160 watt MV01_Photo

Eutettix luridus143362021-09-27Lior Carlson1AdultHwy 70A East, Hillsborough, NCNight: 40 watt UV and 160 watt MV01_Photo

Eutettix luridus143362021-09-11 1AdultHillsboroughnight04_iNaturalist
Eutettix luridus143362021-09-11 1AdultHillsboroughnight04_iNaturalist
Eutettix luridus143362021-08-27 2AdultHillsboroughnight04_iNaturalist
Eutettix luridus143362018-09-22 Randy Emmitt1UV lightmixed hardwood forest10 pm01_Photo
UV light