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4 records for Erythroneura aclys Orange County

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Erythroneura aclys143602018-07-20 Randy Emmitt1I think the ID is correct but the middle of the back markings are not normal.mixed hardwood forest.10:30pmrn01_Photo
I think the ID is correct but the middle of the back markings are not normal.
Erythroneura aclys143602018-07-03Randy L Emmitt1uv lights Goes with the other record for this species.Mixed hardwood forest11 pm01_Photo
uv lights Goes with the other record for this species.
Erythroneura aclys143602018-07-01Randy L Emmitt1uv lightMixed hardwood forest10 pm01_Photo
uv light
Erythroneura aclys143602018-05-01William Fisher1Hillsborough01_Photo