Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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5 records for Osbornellus unidentified species Orange County

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Osbornellus unidentified species148162024-09-01Margarita Lankford1Adulthttps://www.inaturalist.org/observations/239320586Chapel Hill9:54pm01_Photo

Osbornellus unidentified species148162021-10-10John Petranka1AdultAttracted to entrance light overnight.Falls of New Hope neighborhood. Near intersection of Falls and Cascade Drives.7:15 am01_Photo
Attracted to entrance light overnight.

Attracted to entrance light overnight.
Osbornellus unidentified species148162018-07-04Randy L Emmitt1uv light - unid_leafhopperMixed hardwood forest11 pm01_Photo
uv light - unid_leafhopper
Osbornellus unidentified species148162017-09-26 R Emmittunid_leafhopperside yard01_Photo
Osbornellus unidentified species148162017-09-19 R Emmittlights - unid_leafhopperback yard moth lights10 pm01_Photo
lights - unid_leafhopper