Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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5 records for Telamona westcotti Orange County

View all species for Orange County
Telamona westcotti153322023-07-24 1AdultChapel Hillnight04_iNaturalist
Telamona westcotti153322023-07-24 1AdultChapel Hillnight04_iNaturalist
Telamona westcotti153322023-06-25 1Adult?night04_iNaturalist
Telamona westcotti153322022-08-19 Stephen Dunn1AdultWoods behind my houseNight, attracted to grow light with mix of KED and fluorescent tubes.01_Photo

Telamona westcotti153322020-06-29 Ralph Perrine1AdultLat 35.995 Long 79.01710:33PM01_Photo