Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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5 records for Microcentrus caryae Orange County

View all species for Orange County
Microcentrus caryaeHickory Stegaspidine Treehopper153362023-10-19 1AdultHillsboroughday04_iNaturalist
Microcentrus caryaeHickory Stegaspidine Treehopper153362021-09-18Lior Carlson1AdultHillsborough, NCNight; 40 watt UV and 160 watt MV01_Photo

Microcentrus caryaeHickory Stegaspidine Treehopper153362021-08-21 1AdultHillsboroughnight04_iNaturalist
Microcentrus caryaeHickory Stegaspidine Treehopper153362018-09-22 Randy Emmitt1uv lightmixed hardwood forest11 pm01_Photo
uv light. Thought it would be an easy ID? - unid_planthopper

uv light. Thought it would be an easy ID? - unid_planthopper
Microcentrus caryaeHickory Stegaspidine Treehopper153362017-08-14Randy L Emmitt1unid_leafhoppermoth light in yard11;30pm01_Photo
