Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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8 records for Scaphytopius nigrifrons Orange County

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Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922023-11-23 1AdultChapel Hillday04_iNaturalist
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922022-05-30 Margarita Lankford1Adulthttps://www.inaturalist.org/observations/119471753Brumley Nature Preserve, 3620 Old State Hwy 10, Chapel Hill10:32am01_Photo


Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922018-09-22 Randy Emmittuv light - unid_leafhoppermixed hardwood forest10 pm01_Photo
uv light - unid_leafhopper
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922018-09-07 Randy Emmitt1been seeing this, but difficult to get a decent photomixed hardwood forest11pm01_Photo
been seeing this, but difficult to get a decent photo. - unid_leafhopper
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922017-09-24 R Emmitt2tentative, but face looks blackbackyard lights1 am01_Photo
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922017-09-23 R Emmitttiny, 3-4 mm at bestbackyard lights10 pm01_Photo
tiny, 3-4 mm at best. - unid_leafhopper
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922017-09-21 R Emmittmoth lights - unid_leafhopperbaxkyard lights10 pm01_Photo
moth lights - unid_leafhopper
Scaphytopius nigrifrons162922014-09-27 1North Carolina Botanical Garden03_BugGuide