Hoppers of North Carolina:
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3 records for Scaphoideus melanotus Orange County

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Scaphoideus melanotus175462021-10-09John Petranka1AdultAttracted to an entrance light.Falls of New Hope neighborhood, near intersection of Falls and Cascade Drives. 8:35 pm01_Photo
Attracted to an entrance light.

Attracted to an entrance light.

Attracted to an entrance light.
Scaphoideus melanotus175462018-07-03Randy L Emmitt1Adultuv lightrnhope this ID is right.Mixed hardwood forest5:45 am01_Photo
uv lightrnhope this ID is right.

uv lightrnhope this ID is right.
Scaphoideus melanotus175462017-08-14Randy L Emmitt1Adultmoth lights10;30pm01_Photo