3 records for Flatormenis proxima Stanly County | View all species for Stanly County |
sciName | comName | id | date | observer | number | life_stage | comments | location | park | time_of_day | plant | obsType | photo_link |
Flatormenis proxima | Northern Flatid Planthopper | 14566 | 2023-07-24 | | 1 | Adult | | Richfield | | day | | 04_iNaturalist | |
Flatormenis proxima | Northern Flatid Planthopper | 14566 | 2021-07-17 | | 1 | Adult | | Arey Avenue and Pee Dee Avenue | | day | | 04_iNaturalist | |
Flatormenis proxima | Northern Flatid Planthopper | 14566 | 2014-07-22 | Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn | 30 | | Attracted to lights and caught sweeping | Morrow Mountain State Park | MOMO | | | 02_Sight | |